Age of Empires 2 - Gold Edition Cheats: ------- Submitted by: ARUN KRISHNA BHAT.N Email: arun.bhat6@gmail.com Press enter then type the following. Effect Code ------------------------------- +1000 Food - CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S +1000 Gold - ROBIN HOOD +1000 Stone - ROCK ON +1000 Wood - LUMBERJACK Control nature - NATURAL WONDERS Defeatyourself - RESIGN Destroy all the enemies - BLACK DEATH Destroy yourself - WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY Get a Furious Monkey Boy - FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY Gives a 'cobra' car - HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON Gives a saboteur - TO SMITHEREENS Gives a VDML - I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD Immediate Building - AEGIS Kills opponent x - TORPEDOx Remove Shadow - POLO Reveal Map - MARCO Turns birds into dogs - WOOF WOOF Victory - I R WINNER CHEATS/HINTS: ------------- Submitted by: ARUN KRISHNA BHAT.N Email: arun.bhat6@gmail.com Command Line Cheat/Functions +Tip Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat/function. Plus a tip on inputting cheats in faster. Effect Code ---------------------------------------------------- Copy with CTRL+C , Paste with CTRL+V Enter continual cheats faster: Fix Sound-Blaster AWE freezes - Msync Fix's display problems with some video cards - Mfill No pre-game FMV sequences - NoStartup Removes all music from gameplay. - NoMusic Removes the given mouse icon and replaces it with the Mouse Arrow (standard pointer) - NormalMouse Removes the sounds of the Terrain/Nature - NoTerrainSound Resolution 1024x768 - 1024 Resolution 1280x1024 - 1280 Resolution 800x600 - 800 Saves your game automatically for you every few minutes. - Autompsave Turns off ALL sounds. - NoSounds