7 Days to Die Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Console Commands: ----------------- Console mode is a debugging tool, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. The tilde (~) key by default toggles the console screen open and closed. Some of these commands can be used through the server control panel. Note: Codes are case sensitive; "a" is not the same as "A". Shortcuts are only 2 letters and can be used in place of the command. Command arguments in [square braces] are optional, while commands inare not. Command Shortcut Effect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- settime [#] st Sets the current world time. gameover go Ends a round/match in deathmatch/horde mode. toggle_blood_off NA Toggles the blood off toggle_blood_on NA Toggles the blood on debugmenu [on/off] dm Toggles debug menu (for developers) spawnentity [player-id] [entity-id] se Ability to spawn entities near a player. Example: "se 1807 20" player-id = 0 if you are alone. kick [player] [reason] NA Disconnects a player from the server. ban [player] [reason] NA Permanently disconnects a player from the server. listents le Lists entities. listplayers lp Lists players. enablescopes on/off es Toggles on/off debug scopes. listthreads lt Lists threads. setgamepre sg Sets a game preference. chunkcache cc Shows all currently loaded chunks in the cache. showchunkdata sc Displays data for current chunk. [edit]Tricks (*) Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). eg. 0 = Day 1, 16h; 8000 = Day 2, 00h; 16000 = Day 2, 8h; 24000 = Day 2, 12h Change to day (Day 1, 8am): "st 16000" View the [player-id]>: "lp"