4x4 Evolution Cheat Codes: ------------ arun prakash, Submitted the following Information: Email: arun4444@hotmail.com While in the game, push [ENTER] + [SHIFT] + [ALT] + E, then type any of the codes below: Code Result ------------------------- 4x4 - Big Tires 5x5 - Big Truck 99x99 - No Game Over Hidden money: ------------- Submitted by: rickHH * On Farm Road level, go under the train trestle in the middle of the pond to find $1500. Note: This works only one time. * On the Restricted Area track, go straight when you pass through gate 5. After a little driving you will reach an aircraft hanger with a jet inside. In the corner of the hanger is a chest of cash. * On the Laguna Del Ray track, off on the right is a small island just offshore. On top the island is a chest of cash. * Between gate 6 and 7 on the Black Gold track is a fenced-in area that contains another box of cash. There is an oil truck nearby it. * When starting on the Treasure Bay track, go over to the beached tanker boat to the right, and drive around on the water side. You can find a chest in the side hull, with $666. * On the Truck Stop 101 track, go to the "hidden" highway and drive alongside the right side of the road. You will eventually find a chest of cash. Hints: ------ * Nothing in the Evolution rulebook says you can't forcefully "aid" a competitor off a bridge, over a cliff, or into oncoming traffic. Do so as frequently as possible. * This is 4x4 racing, baby, and as such is generally conducted on surfaces of loose gravel, sand, and dirt. Drive accordingly; slowing much earlier for corners than you would in a road racing game and taking turns from the inside to allow plenty of run-off room. * Until such time as your bank account is absolutely bursting at the seams and you can afford one of the outrageously high-priced made for racing machines, don't sweat your choice of vehicles. Parts upgrades are far more important. * Use the overhead map as a general guide only. Faster routes are always available, though you shouldn't rely on the AI drivers to find the best ones. Edit Cash: ---------- First go into the game and play a bit to earn a little extra cash, at least $10,000.00 or so. Now sell your truck. Your should have somewhere near $40,000.00. Look in your directory for the following file: "C:programsTerminal Reality4x4 Evolutionsystemmetal.ini" ..open the (metal.ini) file using notepad listed in your accessories folder in Windows. Now save the file in a temporary folder or on your desktop. Go back into the game and buy a vehicle and some of the parts you want. When your cash is low, do the following: Exit the game and go back into your temporary folder and open the file named metal.ini and look for a line that says: Cash=(followed by a series of numbers and letters) I think the string is specific to the your player profile. Select the line and copy it. (now this is important only select the line that says Cash=(and the string of characters following the equal sign) not the entire file). Now open the metal.ini file in your: C:programsTerminal Reality4x4 Evolutionsystemmetal.ini and look for a line that says: Cash=(followed by a series of numbers and letters) Select that line and paste over it the line you copied from the previous file. Now save the file and exit notepad. Go back into the game and like magic you just padded your wallet again. If you want more cash, like say enough to buy one of race trucks, just sell your truck again and repeat all of the steps above. Remember every time you save the current: C:programsTerminal Reality4x4 Evolutionsystemmetal.ini ...your increasing the amount of cash you have. You can just keep doubling the amount of money you have by buying several trucks, pasting a new line in and then selling the trucks you bought. Saving that current file into your temporary folder and then buy more trucks and parts and on and on and on until you have the amount of cash you want. If you would like to get instant cash without doing this trick, try putting in: "re25ykP*g*bCbqRqz*zb1xPz1P+" behind the cash= line to get $2.5 million. (omit the quotes) $1,000,000: ----------- E-mail: eminem3847@aol.com this is from eminem3847(ben) when u start a career start the race and when the race has started dont push anything, just type "goldfinger" and u will hear a sound that tells u that u put it in right, then type "givememoneyordie" and u will hear anothing sound to tell u did it right. then quit the race and u will have $1,000,000. u can do this as many times as u want but u cant have more than $1,000,000 at a time with the code. Flight ------ Keep pressing H and you will fly. Arctic Wasteland: Hidden money ---------------------------------- Go through checkpoint 2, but continue straight instead of following the track. Pass between two hangars and continue straight across a small lake. Ahead of you will be an American flag. At the base of this is another hangar. A money box is next to the hangar. Arizona: Hidden money ------------------------ Go to checkpoint 6 -- it is easiest to do a 180 at the start line. Go straight out over the tracks over the mountains and find the little town that is out a bit. Bayou Flats: Hidden money ---------------------------- Go through the checkpoint 2. Just before the checkpoint 3 is a canoe. Go in the water by the canoe to find $1110. Black Gold: Hidden money --------------------------- Immediately after you go through checkpoint 6, keep following the trail. You will see a bridge once you go down the hill. Go over the bridge. To the right is a fenced in area with a oil tanker truck in front of the entrance. This is immediately before you go through checkpoint 7. The cash box is over to the right side of the fenced in area. Crazy 2000: Hidden money ---------------------------- In the last turn before finish line run, go straight into water. A box of money containing $1495 is under water by the back edge of the pond. Farm Road: Hidden money --------------------------- Go under the train trestle in the middle of the pond to find $1500. Note: This works only one time. Final Destination: Hidden money -------------------------------- Go through checkpoint 1 and go left around the airplane. Drive straight until you see a pack of airplanes. The money chest is next to the far- left. It contains about $1,345. Laguna Del Ray: Hidden money -------------------------------- Off on the right is a small island just offshore. On top the island is a chest. MotorCross: Hidden money ---------------------------- Look inside a Porta-Pot up on a hill on left between gates 5 and 6, next to the tents to get $653. MotoCross: Hidden track -------------------------- When you get to checkpoint 11, drive straight over the hill in front of it. Once over it, you will find a small circle track. Off the start, turn around and drive on the track. If you go fast enough, you will be able to stay on the course but be going backwards on it. Restricted Area: Hidden money ------------------------------- Go straight when you pass through checkpoint 5. After a little driving you will reach an aircraft hanger with a jet inside. In the corner of the hanger is a box of cash. Salvage Wasteland: Hidden money ----------------------------------- After checkpoint 2, make the jump. Instead of making the right turn to checkpoint 3, turn left. You will enter another fenced in area with dirt mounds. A box containing $2242 is in this area besides a mound of dirt. Savage Wasteland: Hidden track --------------------------------- Select the Salvage Wasteland track on quick race mode. Once the race starts, go through the starting line, but stop immediately after it. Turn around and face the part of the wall that looks different than the sheet metal. Drive through this section of wall, and follow the power line poles until you reach a hidden track. The track is shaped like a big rectangle. On one section of pavement, there is a set of ramps. Silverton Pass: Hidden money ------------------------------ Just before you reach checkpoint 7, stop in the water. Turn left and stay in water. Keep to the left at the fork. After this, there is a small rock jetty to your left. In the small pool beside it is a box of money with a little over $1400. Treasure Bay: Hidden money ----------------------------- When starting, go over to the beached tanker boat to the right, and drive around on the water side. You can find another chest in the side hull, with $666. Truck Stop 101: Hidden money -------------------------------- From the starting line, turn left off the track and drive straight until you reach a highway. Turn right, stay off the road about 40 yards, but just below the hill that runs along the highway. There should be a big dip next to the road within a few hundred yards. Down in the lowest part of the dip is a box with $907. If you are just flying down the side of the road you will miss the box. Truck Stop 101: Drive over 200 mph -------------------------------------- Enable the goldfinger code then buy the Ford F-150 Race Truck. Purchase the turbocharger and all other compatible applications in the engine category and the drive train accessories. You can reach 218 mph on the hidden track on Truck Stop 101. Hidden money amounts ------------------------ All hidden money amounts vary depending on how much the race is worth. Night racing ------------ If you cannot see well when racing at night, just turn up the brightness on your monitor. Recommended trucks ---------------------- * The Chevrolet Silverado (4WD) is a good truck to use in the game. * Use the Chevy Trailblazer Race Truck, give it a turbocharger, and convert it to 4x4, It will go to 140mph in 6 seconds. * The Dodge Dakota Club Cab (4WD) is a good truck to use in the game. * Use the Ford F-150 Race Truck equipped with sport fly wheel, turbo charger, dyno tune levels 1-4, forced induction exhaust and a high capacity fuel pump. * If you like to offroad, put in the "$1 million" code and get the Ford Excursion. The F-250 has the same amount of power but the rear wheels spin a lot. * Use the Ford F-250 Supercab 4x4 with race fly wheel, race clutch, race gear box, race ignition system, dyno tune 1, race exhaust, and race headers. It will do 0 to 120 in six seconds and is an excellent jumper. Voices: ------- If you drive long enough, you will start hearing voices saying phrases such as "I have a dream" or "You go faster in reverse". Extra Money: ------------ You must edit a game file to activate this cheat. First create a backup of the file. Edit the "metal.ini" file which can be found in the "system" folder inside the game folder. Find the profiles and look for the line that says "Cash=" followed by numerous characters. Change those characters to the following and save the file to get the desired amount of money: $1 Million : 5qqgFPfZOrOA6oD9BqPcHf2)+YA $15 million : Tfp58kEZ8xy8GrnbJ4kSpBvtaq8 $999,999,999 : 9E!4q7fYKoZWNUxfup7GNuQSsT+