18 Wheels of Steel - Haulin Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by Tomcat71 Who needs always the police or a yawning driver? But money - that's something we all need! Here's how I did it. -------------------- 1.Open the "My Documents18WoS Haulin" Folder and make safety copy from the "config.cfg" file into a new folder (you name one). 2.Then open the original file with the "Notepad" (my favorite editor). You'll find the "Notepad"-file on Local Disk(C:)Windows. I have a shortcut on my Task-bar, because it almost opens every file. Just click and hold the "config.cfg" file and pull it over the notepad-icon, then release the mouse button. 3.In the "config"-file look for [uset g_police "1"] and change it to [uset g_police "0"]. Now - the police car is gone, no more fines and very important, no cars on the emergency lane (later more why). 4.Now look for [uset g_fatigue "1"] and change it to [uset g_fatigue "0"]. You got now the perfect driver, he can stay up for days or weeks and keeps driving. No more yawning, which by the way made me sleepy too (crashed lots of trucks). 5.Click save and close the file. Start a game, shortly after starting the game save, close and exit the game. 6.Now go to "My Documentssave" and open the folder #1. If you already saved some games, than go to the last and highest number and open the folder. 7.Hoover the cursor over the "game.sii" file and make sure that the "date modified xx/xx/xxxx" is the date you saved the last game. Than open the file the same way like the first file (with Notepad). 8.Now scroll down, pass "companies", "vehicle pounds", "stored_XXX" and "police_offences_meter". You'll find money_account:XXXXXXX. Change the XXXXX amount to the amount you need or want. 9.Click save and close the file again. Now you're ready to load and play your game. Here some other tips: * It's sometimes hard to stay in the lane without hitting the cars and trucks which pass you, if you use the keyboard to steer. * Turn on your flashers (F) and nobody will pass you again. It's helpful too if you drive thru a city. If the highway is to full pass everybody on the emergency lane (no cop car there any more), as soon as you pass a vehicle it will slow down and fall back. Cheat Codes: ------------ Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" or "controls.def" file in the "my documents18 wos haulin" folder. Change the values of the following lines: uset g_console "0" uset g_developer "0" to: uset g_console "1" uset g_developer "1" Then, press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes or key to activate the cheat function. Press ~ again to close the console window. Code Result --------------------------------------- cheat company - List game companies cheat company [0-23] - List branch offices for specified company cheat company [0-23] [number] - Teleport to specified company and branch cheat driver - Add one random driver to your company cheat rating - List of game companies cheat rating [0-23] - Company rating increased cheat test_cargo - Unknown cheat money - Add $500,000 edit - Map/world editor exit - Return to main menu quit - Quit sys_info - Display operating system information [Tab] - Display console commands Unlimited money: ---------------- Select a saved game directory in the "my documents18 wos haulin" folder. Use a text editor to edit the "game sii". Scroll down to find the "money_account:" line, followed by the amount of money you have in the game from your last save point. You can edit this to any value desired to have that much money in your bank account. Hint Avoiding police: --------------- Submitted by: ADNAN KHAN While playing 18 weels of steel haulin save the game if there is a cop in front of you then load the game again make sure the siren of the police is not ringing. More Horse Power And torque: ---------------------------- Submitted by: Mike * Open saved files. Go 2 your last saved game folder. (they are in order of which one was saved first.) * Open "game.sii" with notepad. Search for such file: U must familiarise yourself with the engine you have in your truck so you can recognize it on the page. Look for on the page "vehicle_engine_accessory : namless torque:600 "or which ever engine is yours" front_wheel_engine: false So on and so on down to where it says: info[0]: "@@ui_engine_hp@@:[align hstyle=right]600 hp [448 kw] @1800[/align]" info[1]: "@@ui_engine_torque@@:[align hstyle=right]1650 lb. ft. [2235 N.m] @1200[/align]" Now change this: below vehicle_engine_accessory from 600-1000 and down farther 600 hp [448 kw] to 1000 hp [747 kw] and 1650 lb. ft. [2235 N.m] to 3000 lb. ft. [4065 N.m] I forgot to mension that the horse power increas will not accurally show on the listings of the motor but u can tell when u r driving the truck. 999,999,999 $ money cheat: -------------------------- Submitted by: dave If you want to be rich! sept1 open your "18 WoS American Long Haul" folder in your documents. sept2 next open your save file and pick any saved nubers (#). sept3 open the game file, it should be a "SII file" open it with notepad. sept4 scoll to your "money acount" enter 999,999,999 and save all changes. final open the game and have fun!!! High speed fastes ever: ----------------------- Submitted by: RAUDEL SOLIS open GAME.SII THEN LOOK FOR SOMETHING THAT SAYS vehicle_engine_accessory : _nameless.151C.F740 { torque: ORIGINAL NUMBER front_wheel_engine: false performance: 0 wear: &3c17b95e price: 3000 name: "@@acc_engine_universal@@" mileage: 0 suitable_vehicles: 1 suitable_vehicles[0]: all info: 0 CHANGE TORQUE THE NUMBER AFTER TORQUE TO 444000 THEN UNDER THAT THERE IS THE TRANSMISSION ACCESORY CHANGE THE NUMBER AFTER RMP_LIMIT TO 2289000 THEN UNDER THAT FIND BRAKE ACCESORY AND CHANGE IT TO 14289000 THEN UNDER THAT FINDE VEICHLE WHEEL ACCESORY AND CHANGE PERFORMANCE TO 4 NOTE FOR THOSE YOU CAN PICK YOUR OWN NUMBERS BUT AT THE SETTINGS I GAVE YOU YOUR TRUCK CAN GO WAY OVER 120 WITH OR WITHOUT A TRAILER IN LIKE 10 SECONDS IF YOU CHAGE THE NUMBERS TO WHAT YOU DESIRE MAKE IT AN EVEN RATIO LIKE YOU CANT HAVE 455555 TORQUE HAVE 455555 RPM AND HAVE 500 BRAKE TORQUE BECAUSE THEN STOPPING IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AT HIGH SPEEDS CREDITS TO ME RAUDEL SOLIS Free Refill: ------------ Submitted by: Souvik Just stop at any fuel pump, after refilling is complete just save the game and reload it, then simply pull away. no money charged for the fill up. Mods: ----- Submitted by: RoBeRtO When you want truck mods, trailer mods, map mods, skin mods and other mods for 18 WoS Haulin, go to this link: http://www.vtc-tea.com/index.php?pid=1 To every mod areb pictures available. Only choose one and download it. Then drop the SCS-files in: My Documents/18 WoS Haulin/mod No police: ---------- Submitted by: Hoooko To dont get police just go in wos documents folder->Save folder->any number save->open game is with block notes and search for police meter and change it to 1000!