12 Labours Of Hercules Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Easy "Excellence" achievement: ------------------------------ Mini-games occur during the final part of a chapter, which are Levels 1-10, 2-10, 3-10 and 4-10. To get a perfect score, do not lose any health. Your health bar appears at the bottom of the screen. If you lose any health, restart the level. 1.The first mini-game is with the Hydra. When the main head appears, quickly select it to inflict damage and not get hurt. 2.The second mini-game is with the Eagle. Quickly select the eagle, and you will not get hurt. 3.The third mini-game is with Chiron. When you use the bellows, the one that you must use will be highlighted. Select it once. During a sequence with the bellows, you must do that four times. Switch from a bellow to another. Missing one will hurt you. As for the ingredients for the recipe, find the identical one on the map. 4.The fourth mini-game is with Megara. Clear your path, and kill the ghosts. Easy "Merchant" achievement: ---------------------------- When you find the Horn Of Plenty (Cornucopia), you will unlock the bonus. Wait until Level 2-8 to use it to get over 30 ressources. You will have a lot of them because of the Run Faster bonus and the one that adds a temporary servant. Mine and retrieve the food on the dispensers. Easy "Double bonus" achievement: -------------------------------- Play level 2-8, "A Busy Day". Wait until you have a full bonus meter then select "Extra Servant" and "Run Faster". Easy "Croesus" achievement: --------------------------- Play level 3-8. It has features multiple store buildings that add to the resources collected, and will also increase the size of the resource stacks up to 150 units. Once all the store buildings are built and upgraded, collect the gold from the ground, the gold spawn, and both gold stacks hidden under the top left and top right boulders. If you need more, keep collecting from the gold spawn.