1 On 1 Soccer Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Select the "Cheats" option at the main menu, then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the cheat function. Result Code ------------------------------------------ The Beatles team - thEbeAtleS The Rolling Stones team - thERStoNes Wall - floSATball Fly - flyiSgmoDE Bowling ball - bOwliSbaLl Tennis ball - teNniSbaLl Beach ball - beSaChbAll Low gravity - loWgraSiTy Be the same player - AllSowsAme Permanent speed boos - SpeEdItuPp Cheat: ------ Submitted by: keir have 1p press k 2p press f code gunNOTknife Glitch: ------- Submitted by: sdasdasdasd First enter all cheats except beachball and play one game with one team beatles and the other being the stones. then go to the cheat menu and clear all the the cheats, then play again and it will have the stones and the beatles flAG on the page but there names will be undefined, play as them and then you can't move but you will change characters every second. Speed Up: --------- Submitted by: TheDude When you enter this cheat, your player will have a permanent speed boost, it can also be a cheat with a speed boost for both of the players. :) I saw this cheat wasn't in the cheatlist yet, so I'd like to add it. code: SpeEdItuPp