
Snowcat Simulator

Snowcat Simulator Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Press ^ or ~ to display the console window. Type “cheating.endtask” and press ENTER to skip the current task. (Very usefull, due to a bug, task 13.1 (transport snowcannon 4/6) cant…
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Snoopy Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: rickHH Hint: —– Pick up the food bowl and go right. Give the food bowl to Charlie Brown, wait, and eat the food. Go to the hut, pick up the typewriter, use and give…
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Snooker 147

Snooker 147 Cheats: ——- Submitted by-Asif Ibn Rahman Dhaka,Bangladesh While player 2 hits the white ball,press alt+F4 before the white ball hits any other ball.The white ball will stop then.This will make player 2 makefoul(s) again and again due…
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Snood Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: conner54 Use aimer (unregistered version): ——————————— Start the game, go to the top bar, go under difficulty and select “Child”. Play one game of “Child”. Go to the difficulty of puzzle. Open a saved…
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Snipes Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Skill levels A1-Z9: ——————- When starting the game you are required to enter a skill level. The letter is various game features: A – beginner level H – bouncing bullets (shoot around…
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Sniper – Ghost Warrior

Sniper – Ghost Warrior Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Cheat mode: ———– Create a file called “debugconf.scr” then open the new created file with notepad and insert the following script. // —– Start—————————————- // ChromeEngine config file !include(“DebugConfig.def”)…
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