

Squirreltopia Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ————- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then search for the game hub that corresponds to [Squirreltopia]. Select…
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Square Shooter

Square Shooter Hints: —— Submitted by: David K Red Plus Powerup: —————– The red plus powerup will turn you into Super Square, letting you run over and smash all the other squares. Your gun is disabled while this powerup is…
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Squares and Blades 2

Squares and Blades 2 Hints: —— Submitted by: David K. Remember That Sun Tzu Guy?: ————————— Try to pit strength against weakness…or something like that. Outnumbering your opponents 2 to 1 or more is good for business! Special Powers R…
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Squares and Blades

Squares and Blades Hints: —— Submitted by: David K. Outnumbered!: ————- When you’re fighting more than one opponent at a time, you’ll have to use your brains more than your brawn. Don’t let both of them attack you at once!…
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SquareCells Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ————- Successfully complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and…
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Squad Leader

Squad Leader Hints: —— Submitted by: rickHH Always try to end each character’s turn with enough action points to kneel. This improves their return fire and makes them more difficult to hit. First move should always involve a scout moving…
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Space Quest 6

Space Quest 6 Easter egg: ———– There’s an imperial shuttle from Star Wars in the DeepShip’s shuttle bay (along with the message: “Remember your parking space, Luke!”). The alien from Scott Ripley’s “Alien” pops up after Wriggley (pun intended) helps…
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Spyro The Dragon

Spyro The Dragon Cheat Codes: ———— Tumpsie, Submitted the following Information: Email: Gametip: ——– If you have to kill the cows in stone hill try jumping and charging at the same time, the cow will fly much further then…
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Spyro 3

Spyro 3 Cheat Codes: ———– mr_funny_, Submitted the following Information: Email: Crash Bash Demo: —————- At the title screen: Hold L1+R2 and press Square 99 Lives: ——— R2, L2, R2, L2, Up, Up, Up, Up, Circle Voice Dialogue: —————…
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