
Blues Brothers

Blues Brothers Cheat Codes: ———— On the character selection screen type “HOULQ” and you can skip to the higher levels by pressing the number of the level followed by [Space]. Ex: houlq[Space]

Blues And Bullets

Blues And Bullets Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ————- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then search for the game hub that corresponds to…
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Blueprint Hints: —— Submitted by: David K. * The ball will bounce when shot at a wall at a high velocity. This is good for redirection when the parts you have are facing the wrong way from the target. *…
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Blue Line

Blue Line Level select: ————- Each level is in one September-guesses file “MLEVEL*.DAT” stored. If you liked to play a level first (counting starting from 0), copy you the appropriate file on “MLEVEL0.DAT”.

Blue Ice

Blue Ice Hints: —— * Try everything! This games does not follow the rules, so even if it seems bizarre…go for it. But save as you go. * Watch carefully when the hand goes red…you know you will have to…
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Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon Hints: —— Submitted by: rickHH Landing: ——– Slow the plance down as much as you can, you don’t get bonus points for doing it quicker! If your minimum speed is above 4 bars you will be able to…
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