Author Archive: admin

Barbarian Brawl

Barbarian Brawl Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ————- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then search for the game hub that corresponds to [Barbarian…
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Barbarian Cheat Codes: ———— During the game, type “04-08-59”. The screen should turn grey. If so, you are now invulnerable and have unlimited lives. To kill the final Wizard, you must have a shield. When his shot comes at you,…
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Bap! Cheat Codes: ———— Believe it or not, somebody made another cheap arkanoid clone. * We made a 1-byte patch that gives you endless lives. * The Level codes: ZEEHC NIHAO !WIU! HEHEH VWXYZ 22670 PCIBM RUNIT SEEYO !BYE!

Banzai Bug

Banzai Bug Play as Various Insects: ———————— 1. when you get into the first level, you can hit a switch behind a cabinet 2. the muffler on the car opens up, and you can travel down it 3. it takes…
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Bank Limit: Advanced Battle Racing

Bank Limit: Advanced Battle Racing Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Steam achievements: ——————- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then “My profile”, then “View all…
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Banjo-tooie E-mail: Submitted by: jimmy spille the 3rd Cheat: —— enter the cheat’s at mayahem temple after spelling cheat 1 yggijteg 2 nestking 3 jiggywiggyspecial 4 castlist 5 playitagensun 6 honeyking 7 xobekuj

Bang! Gunship Elite

Bang! Gunship Elite Cheat Codes: ———— Type these codes for the desired cheat function: Code Result ——————— dogmode – Activate God Mode Control at In-Game Cheat Menu stoneskin – Infinite Shield Control pianist – Enemy Shot Control boooost – Infinite…
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