Author Archive: admin
Bassmasters 2000
Bassmasters 2000 Lures: —— Topwater ——– This lure floats and can be popped along the water’s surface to make a splash. It is best used when fish are near the surface (overcast, rain, afternoon). Crankbait ——— This lure remains close…
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Bass Landing
Bass Landing Catching fish: ————– Cast over 80 feet, then start reeling the line in. Pause at regular intervals for at least three seconds before reeling the line in again. When a fish bites, let the line remain there for…
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Bass Fishing Pro
Bass Fishing Pro Cheat: —— Type in the following words at the prompt where you type your name. If the text disappears, then you typed it correctly. pbxray – Shows all of the fish in “fishing” mode. pbpowerpole – Your…
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Bass Avenger
Bass Avenger Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: rickHH Use the following bait to catch the fisherman. Person Bait ——————————————————– Fat Guy in the Orange Vest – Pizza Crazy Guy – Marbles Old European Lady – Moonshine Rich Guy in the…
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BasketBelle Cheat Codes: ———— Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ————- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then search for the game hub that corresponds to [BasketBelle]. Select…
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B.A.S.E. Jumping
B.A.S.E. Jumping Hints: —— * In the regime of career, you can open pause at the events, pressing and retaining to the pressed key “Left shift”. * The “circulation” of skill occurs automatically, at that moment, when you use this…
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Base Jumping
Base Jumping Hints: —— Submitted by: David K. Medic!: ——- In between rounds, buy as many medkits as you can – these increase your health bar, and you’ll need as much as you can get. Be Safe, Not Sorry: ——————-…
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Baseball Mogul 2005
Baseball Mogul 2005 Minor League Draft: ——————- Submitted by: Haspa Be sure to utilize the “Overall” and “Peak” ratings to quickly assess a player’s talent level when picking players.