Hearts Of Iron 3 – Semper Fi

Hearts Of Iron 3 - Semper Fi

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Display the console window during game play by pressing ~ (or [Shift] + 3 or hold [Alt] 
and press [Keypad 2] [Keypad 1]). Enter one of the following codes and press Enter.

Code                   Effect
Money                - $1000.
Energy               - 1000 energy.
Metal                - 1000 Metal.
crudeoil             - Gives you 1000 crude oil.
rarematerials        - Gives you 1000 rare materials.
supplies             - Gives you 1000 supplies.
Fuel                 - Gives you 1000 Fuel.
incr                 - Instant.
inc                  - One day unit production and building construction.
instantresearch      - Instantresearch on/off.
instantsproduction   - Instant production on/off.
instantconstruction  - Instant construction on/off.
addofficers          - Adds 100 officers.
noneutrality         - Neutrality to zero.
nukes                - Gives you 10 nuclear bombs.
debug fow            - Toggles fog of war.
debug yesmen         - Toggles if AI will accept your every diplomatical proposal.
                       (sometimes may not work).
debug spy            - Toggle superior espionage.
event [event code]   - Trigger indicated event.
revolt [province ID] - Trigger revolt to indicated province. (repeat to add more rebels)
thisisboring         - Randomize countries and events.

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