Deus Ex Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Ashley 'Spike' Hudson Update by: Tony Hessler Cheat mode: ----------- For Deus Ex cheats to work you must edit the "USER.INI" file in the DE system folder. Find the bindings. Look for "T=" and "t=" (there is a reason for this). at "T=", type in: Say after T= (so it is T=Say) and do the same for "t=" (becomes t=Say). Now play a game (even a loaded one) and press the T key. A text will show (in white) in the bottom LEFT hand corner. (something like (Say) Delete the word SAY, and type: set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True Then, press T and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: It is helpful to set talk to a key that is bound to the "set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled true" text so it does not have to be typed manually in every level. To do this, make an entry such as "H=set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True" in the "user.ini" file. Then, pressing H during game play and activate the cheat codes. Code Result ------------------------------------ god - God Mode invisible - Invisibility iamwarren - Turn on EMP Field allskillpoints - Gives All Skill Points allweapons - Give All Weapons allammo - Refill Ammo allaugs - All Basic Augmentations tantalus - Kill Current Target opensesame - Unlock Targeted Door legend - Secret Menu allhealth - Full Health allenergy - Full Energy allcredits - 10000 Credits allimages - All Images summon X - Summon Item X (See List Below) spawnmass - Spawn a Mass of Enemies slomo [number] - Set game speed open [level name] - Level and FMV sequence select augadd [Name] - Add indicated augmentation playersonly - Freeze shots, enemies, doors walk - Disable flight and no clipping modes quotes - Display ending quotes iamwarren - Enable EMP field fly - Flight mode enabled danceparty - Hidden fourth ending thereisnospoon - Matrix mode ghost - No clipping mode huthut - Programmer message bighead - Programmer message fov [1-360] - Set view angle (default 90) behindview 0 - Third party view disabled behindview 1 - Third party view enabled invisible [0 or 1] - Toggle invisibility cheatview [name] - View character amphibious - Breathe underwater setjumpz [height] - Set jumping ability killpawns - Kill all pawns togglewinstats - Display refresh reates showrgbdialog - Display window color dialog sethand left - Left-handed character sethand right - Right-handed character; default sshot - Screenshot, with flash GameTip: -------- Submitted by: Stephen O'Neil There is a way to keep all your equipment throughout training mode. Just before the guy at the counter takes everything off you, throw all your objects past him then walk by. Once you're away from him, you can pick up all your stuff again. Stay away because he'll try it again if you go near him. New Cheat Enable: ----------------- Submitted by: Gene Vantreese E-mail: wd5fdl@swbell.net New are the New cheat enable,ghost,fly,walk behindview 1/0 and corrected are invisible. To activate cheatmode add -hax0r to the shortcut or command line of the icon for the game. (0 is a zero not an o as in ok). Then Edit user.ini in the deusex/system folder and change 'Tilde=' to 'Tilde=type' (do this for all occurances of 'Tilde=' ) .In game, press ~ then type any of the cheat codes listed below: Note1: It will No Longer Be Nessassary to type in "set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True". Note 2: set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True did not have to have any capital letters Note 3: With Tilde=type the word "say" does not appear. Correction: ----------- invisible true-Invisibility Hint: ----- Submitted by: Oscar Syahbana the Kindhearted Email: sanif_webmaster@yahoo.com If you've just played the game of this kind (1st person shooter), i prefer you to play Q3A first. Before you run a mission please ensure that your fast slot for weapon is full so you won't get troubled by out of ammo (you should change your weapon immideatly if you run out of ammo in a frontal combat). Summon Objects -------------- Augmentationupgradecannister Lockpick basketball MultiTool AcousticSensor Ammo10mm AmmoDart AmmoDartPoison AmmoDartFlare AmmoNapalm AmmoPlasma Ammo3006 AmmoRockets WeaponPistol WeaponRifle WeaponStealthPistol WeaponShuriken WeaponSawedOffShotgun WeaponProd WeaponPlasmaRifle WeaponAssaultShotgun WeaponFlameThrower WeaponGasGrenade WeaponLAM Weaponmodaccuracy Weaponmodclip Weaponmodlaser Weaponmodrange Weaponmodrecoil Weaponmodscope Weaponmodsilencer AugBallistic AugCloak AugDatalink AugEMP AugEnviro AugIFF AugShield AugStealth AugTarget Level names: ------------ Use one of the following level names with the open code. 00_Training 00_TrainingCombat 00_TrainingFinal 01_NYC_UNATCOHQ 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland 02_NYC_Bar 02_NYC_BatteryPark 02_NYC_FreeClinic 02_NYC_Hotel 02_NYC_Smug 02_NYC_Street 02_NYC_Underground 02_NYC_Warehouse 03_NYC_747 03_NYC_Airfield 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase 03_NYC_BatteryPark 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation 03_NYC_Hangar 03_NYC_MolePeople 03_NYC_UNATCOHQ 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Bar 04_NYC_BatteryPark 04_NYC_Hotel 04_NYC_NSFHQ 04_NYC_Smug 04_NYC_Street 04_NYC_UNATCOHQ 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Underground 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab 06_HongKong_Helibase 06_HongKong_MJ12lab 06_HongKong_Storage 06_HongKong_TongBase 06_HongKong_VersaLife 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld 08_NYC_Bar 08_NYC_FreeClinic 08_NYC_Hotel 08_NYC_Smug 08_NYC_Street 08_NYC_Underground 09_NYC_Dockyard 09_NYC_Graveyard 09_NYC_Ship 09_NYC_ShipBelow 09_NYC_ShipFan 10_Paris_Catacombs 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels 10_Paris_Chateau 10_Paris_Club 10_Paris_Metro 11_Paris_Cathedral 11_Paris_Everett 11_Paris_Underground 12_Vandenberg_Cmd 12_Vandenberg_Computer 12_Vandenberg_Gas 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels 14_OceanLab_Lab 14_Oceanlab_Silo 14_OceanLab_UC 14_Vandenberg_Sub 15_Area51_Bunker 15_Area51_Entrance 15_Area51_Final 15_Area51_Page Use one of the following level names with the open code to view the corresponding FMV sequence. 00_Intro 99_Endgame1 99_Endgame2 99_Endgame3 99_Endgame4 Unlimited skill points: ----------------------- Get to the submarine base. Once Gary Savage tells you to meet him at the roof of the base, go there but make sure your inventory is full. He will try to give you an augmentation canister. Keep clicking on him and you will receive 500 skill points each time. Unlimited skill points: ----------------------- When you flip the switches on the two generators to give power back to the scientists at the Vandenberg Base, continually flip the power switch to get 100 skill points every time. Unlimited aug canisters: ------------------------ Immediately before leaving Hong Kong, Jaime (the doctor) will give you an aug canister. If your inventory is full, and you have to drop something, you will also drop an aug canister. Repeat the process to completely fill your inventory with augs. Hints: ------ * Keep a pad and pen around at all times. Even though the game has a built-in note-taking system, it's often easier and faster to just refer to your notes. * Always scout out all the entrances and exits of a place before you decide to do something major, like hack into a key computer. You never know when you're going to have to run like hell. * Save early, save often; just be careful that you don't use up all your hard-drive space. Deus Ex is a game of load and reload until you get it right. * Stay hidden in the shadows and use a lot of silent weapons, such as knives and batons or silenced pistols and rifles. If you have to take someone down, do it fast and quietly. * Hack into everything you can; you can pick up a lot of hints and extra goodies that way. * Go ahead and pick up anything in the game. Don't worry that it's not yours; no one seems to care that you're taking it. * Think of unconventional ways of doing things. If you have to take out three guards, check to see what kinds of weapons and explosives you have. You might have something that can do the trick faster and easier than just shooting them, which eats up precious ammo. Hint: ----- Submitted by: JIT-the great wizard In HongKong, if u run out of credits(money),then you can get up to 1000 credits by this trick. Go to the Lucky Money Club.Go up the staircase towards left and keep going forward. You should descend some stairs which will lead you to the gate keeper's (or whatever she is) room. There is also a guard with a GEP gun but he doesn't fire it. Now WITH ONE BLOW of a baton or sword,kill the lady. She will drop several credit chits which will amount upto 1000 credits. How to get to UAC HQ fast: -------------------------- Submitted by: Jure Novak In the first level, find a gas grenade. Then go to the UAC building. Stop on the top of the stairs. Throw gas grenade next to the closed door. When grenade explodes UAC guard will come to open the doors, and you can go in. I find this cheat by myself when I was playing the demo. It works in the original game as well!!! Hint: ----- When using multitools or lockpicks, there is a way of saving them. This is very useful, as they are probably the most useful things you can have. Other than guns, of course :) Take out the lockpick/multitool, and press use on whatever you want to open/hack. After you press use, go to your skill screen. Wait for a minute. You can wait for as long as you want, but you only need to wait as long as it would take that single lockpick/multitool to do its thing, but wait a little extra just in case. Now exit back into the game. The door/whatever will be open or hacked, with only one tool/pick used up. This is very good in another way, too. You can save skillpoints by not having to use them in your lock-picking slot. Submitted by Jonathan 'JohnF' Fagan. jon.fagan@gmail.com All praise welcome:) Unlimited multitools or lock picks: ----------------------------------- When you go to level 3, after you talk to the Boss, he will tell you to get a physical and go to the armory. When you get to the armory, if you have a full inventory and you ask for a multitool or a smart pick, JC will say "Hold on, can't hold anything else". The multitool or lock pick will fall to the ground. Repeat this to get an unlimited number of multitools or lock picks. Easy money: ----------- When you are at the Lucky Money in Hong Kong, get Inside the club and go where the door girl is located. Kill her, then right click on her to get some credits. Extra starting skill points: ---------------------------- when starting a new game, at the "Select Skills" screen, downgrade your pistol skill so that you have 6575 skill points. Start the game, then go to your skills menu. You should have the pistol skill on trained and still have the 6575 skill points. Annoyed people: --------------- In every level are small items that you can pick up. Find such an item and look for a friendly person (green target cursor). Throw and hit the person with the item to get random reactions. Do not try this on an enemy unless you want to get shot. Slow reaction time: ------------------- Standard (non-Boss) enemies you encounter have a slow reaction time when spotting you. The farther away you are from the enemy, the longer it will take for him to spot you. All enemies except for Bosses will say something such as "What was that noise?" or "Who's there?". If this happens, it does not mean that they know you are there -- they only think that you are there. If you hear en enemy say something similar to that, look for cover, because they will investigate. This trick will not help you if you are out in the open. Killing Grays: -------------- * There is trick to killing a Gray with a pistol or a low-tech weapon. Since the Grays are quick, you have to do this fast. Aim for the legs when using a pistol. Then, shoot them slightly above the torso, at about the neck area. They will die with one shot. Note: You need to do this with pistol advanced or trained. If you do this with it untrained, you will get killed easily. * With a combat knife or crowbar, find a medkit. Stand near the Gray and slice it only on the neck. When it needs just one more slice, slice it near the crotch. It will die very easily, and will be prevented from firing the Radiation Cannon. Use the medkit since you have been damaged by the radiation. It will heal about 25, depending on how long it took you to kill it, and how much damage you took. If it is over 45 or 50, find the nearest Medbot. Note: It is much easier to kill it with throwing knives by doing the same process. If you have lower than advanced, you will automatically die. Killing robots: --------------- You can kill robots with just about any weapon, but it will take awhile when using a shotgun. With a normal unmodified clip, it will take over ten clips, and you will need God mode. Blind enemies: -------------- Shoot the fire extinguishers that you see occasionally throughout the game to blind yourenemies. Extra items: ------------ When you are low on items, go up behind a security guard and make sure there are no robots, other guards, or cameras around. Hit him with the crowbar. He should die instantly and have bullets, knockout ammo, explosives, and a few other items that are very useful. Keep weapons: ------------- After being captured by Gunther, you will start in a jail cell in the next level. When the level starts you will still have your weapons for just a moment, then they are taken from you. When the level starts, open your inventory before your weapons are gone and drop them. Return to the game, then pick up your weapons and continue playing with them. Conserving Lock Picks and Multi-tools: -------------------------------------- When bypassing something that requires more then one Multi-Tool, start bypassing then press [F1]. Wait for a minute (scroll through the tabs to pass the time) then exit the inventory screen. The object should be bypassed . Look down at your Multi-Tools. You will notice that you only used one Multi-Tool instead of the required amount. Note: This also works with Lock Picks. Glitch: Circling rocket: ------------------------ Start a new game and spend all your skill points on heavy armor. Alternately, enable the allskills code. Go in an open area with one person in the middle (for example, UNATCO Island, Area 51 Entrance, etc.) Equip a Gep Gun (use the summon weapongepgun if needed) Aim at the person the quickly tap [Fire] and look into the corner. Then, look down. You will see the rocket surrounding the person, doing circles. Nothing can stop it, unless it hits you or the corner. If this does not work, try it in the first level. Note: You can also do this in multi-player mode, without the codes. Glitch: Unlimited skill points: ------------------------------- In Vandenberg - Command you can use multitools on the pad that read "Override" above it to bypass it. You will get 100 skill points each time you use it, as many times as desired. Flying knives: -------------- Enable the spawnmass weaponshuriken 20 code. 20 knives will fly out of nowhere and strike down Destroy anything or anyone: --------------------------- Enable cheat modem then look at the item or person that you want to destroy. Type set deusex.health 0. They will have no weapons, and even UNATCO troops at the start of the game can be killed with any weapon. Note: If any of the main characters are killed, then sequences will not occur. To change this, use the summon or spawnmass code to get them back. Use one multitool or lock pick to open doors regardless of skill level: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Start by picking the lock, then after a couple of percent points start to go down, go to the inventory screen. Wait for about two second per 10% left in the lock. After you count down, leave the inventory screen and the lock should be opened. Make Easy cheat enable!: ------------------------ Submitted by: Marwin First Move:Go To Explorer find C:DeusExSystemUser.ini (OR C:(Directory of Deus Ex) systemUser.Ini and change the second Line CLASS:DEUSEX.JCDENTONMALE for (your name or a letter)P.S: change the file DefUser.ini. Creating Persons: ----------------- Submitted by: Marwin Message : Summon X (X=Name the Character) AlexJacobson, MaxChen, UNATCOTroop, MJ12Troop (or commando),Paul Denton, AnnaNavarre, GuntherHermann,JosephManderley And you can try others Characters! (NOTE ALIENS:GREY, GREASEL, KARKIAN, KARKIANBABY) P.S:To make the Characters your enemys simple Shot...heh heh heh!!! Multi-player sniper hideout: ---------------------------- If you are playing the Command Center level and playing in team mode, go to the rooftop. Once there, use the Speed aug and the Ballistic Defense aug (so you will not get shot with a Gep Gun). Go on top of the elevator. Go on that corner in the far right side. Once there, set one gas grenade in front of you on the wall. After that, use the Speed aug to jump on the gas grenade. Then, lay another and jump on that one. Once on the second gas grenade, jump on the very top of the roof. You can snipe anyone desired. This requires a lot of practice. Note: This trick works on any wall to get on a roof. Body part numbers: ------------------ Use one of the following numbers with the damagepart code to damage the corresponding body part. 0: Head 1: Torso 2: Left arm 3: Right arm 4: Left leg 5: Right leg Save some darts: ---------------- If your crossbow is down to one arrow left, dont reload. Fire the arrow into a wall or a place where you can retrieve it. When you do, it will give you a full clip. Four for the price of one! Unlimited skill points: ----------------------- When you flip the switches on the two generators to give power back to the scientists at the Vandenberg Base, continually flip the power switch to get 100 skill points every time. Super Weapons: -------------- Submitted by: zephir There are three super weapons I've uncovered in the game. two are alternatives to the assault rifle. the other is the alternative to the GEP/LAW. They are not weapons you can get thru game play. you must summon them with a the summon cheat. summon weaponrobotrocket: magazine capacity 60 rounds, uses an unlisted kind of ammo unlike the gep you do not need to reload between shots. not particularly accurate damage is around 100 no skill class summon weaponrobotmachinegun: 2x the damage of the assault rifle, 5+x the capacity of the assault rifle. uses same ammo as assault rifle. 6 dmg, 159 magazine capacity. fire one shot at a time or hold down the trigger. summon weaponmj12commando 5x damage of the assault rifle, same capacity of the robot machine gun. so 15 dmg, 159 rounds magazine. same ammo as the assault rifle. the most powerful MG in the game. All three weapons also take up only one inventory square each. none fall under any skill category. You many only equip one at a time or you risk getting stuck and unable to unequip. More to come if I find more. Unlimited Modifications and upgrade augmentation: ------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Ankan Nag While playing deus ex i found out that the game consists of a kind of cheat. While playing collect all modifications [Accuracy, reload, etc] and upgrade canister and when u find a person selling or giving modifications or upgrade augmentation canister and make sure that ur inventory is full and when u take the thing from the person u will find that ur getting unlimited number of things and u can upgrade ur weapons and augmentation. Have Fun if u have any confusion just email me in my account or ankan.cena@rediffmail.com in orkut.. Submitted by: Ankan Nag Activate cheat mode: --------------------- Its an easy way to activate cheat mode is to go to system folder of Deus Ex and opening the USER.ini file. After opening the file find the line written as t= and T= and type Talk after that such as [t=Talk and T=Talk] than save it. Open the game now and it will work even in a saved game. Press the 't' button and u will find some thing appears in the bottom left corner of the screen something written >/say. After that just delete the say by pressing backspace and type even in small letters "set deusex.jcdentonmale bcheatsenabled true" and press enter the cheat mode is enabled and type one of the cheats given below after pressing 't' and deleting say ::>> Code Result -------------------------- god - God Mode invisible - Invisibility iamwarren - Turn on EMP Field allskillpoints - Gives All Skill Points allweapons - Give All Weapons allammo - Refill Ammo allaugs - All Basic Augmentations tantalus - Kill Current Target opensesame - Unlock Targeted Door legend - Secret Menu allhealth - Full Health allenergy - Full Energy allcredits - 10000 Credits allimages - All Images summon X - Summon Item X (See List Below) spawnmass - Spawn a Mass of Enemies slomo [number] - Set game speed open [level name] - Level and FMV sequence select Summon Objects -------------- Augmentationupgradecannister Lockpick basketball MultiTool AcousticSensor Ammo10mm AmmoDart AmmoDartPoison AmmoDartFlare AmmoNapalm AmmoPlasma Ammo3006 AmmoRockets WeaponPistol WeaponRifle WeaponStealthPistol WeaponShuriken WeaponSawedOffShotgun WeaponProd WeaponPlasmaRifle WeaponAssaultShotgun WeaponFlameThrower WeaponGasGrenade WeaponLAM Weaponmodaccuracy Weaponmodclip Weaponmodlaser Weaponmodrange Weaponmodrecoil Weaponmodscope Weaponmodsilencer AugBallistic AugCloak AugDatalink AugEMP AugEnviro AugIFF AugShield AugStealth AugTarget Level names: ------------ Use one of the following level names with the open code. 00_Training 00_TrainingCombat 00_TrainingFinal 01_NYC_UNATCOHQ 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland 02_NYC_Bar 02_NYC_BatteryPark 02_NYC_FreeClinic 02_NYC_Hotel 02_NYC_Smug 02_NYC_Street 02_NYC_Underground 02_NYC_Warehouse 03_NYC_747 03_NYC_Airfield 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase 03_NYC_BatteryPark 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation 03_NYC_Hangar 03_NYC_MolePeople 03_NYC_UNATCOHQ 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Bar 04_NYC_BatteryPark 04_NYC_Hotel 04_NYC_NSFHQ 04_NYC_Smug 04_NYC_Street 04_NYC_UNATCOHQ 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Underground 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab 06_HongKong_Helibase 06_HongKong_MJ12lab 06_HongKong_Storage 06_HongKong_TongBase 06_HongKong_VersaLife 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld 08_NYC_Bar 08_NYC_FreeClinic 08_NYC_Hotel 08_NYC_Smug 08_NYC_Street 08_NYC_Underground 09_NYC_Dockyard 09_NYC_Graveyard 09_NYC_Ship 09_NYC_ShipBelow 09_NYC_ShipFan 10_Paris_Catacombs 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels 10_Paris_Chateau 10_Paris_Club 10_Paris_Metro 11_Paris_Cathedral 11_Paris_Everett 11_Paris_Underground 12_Vandenberg_Cmd 12_Vandenberg_Computer 12_Vandenberg_Gas 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels 14_OceanLab_Lab 14_Oceanlab_Silo 14_OceanLab_UC 14_Vandenberg_Sub 15_Area51_Bunker 15_Area51_Entrance 15_Area51_Final 15_Area51_Page Note: If any one does not work or the cheats is not being enabled than no need to worry just check the spelling and if than the cheats are not being able than email me at ankan.cena@rediffmail.com and it also works on my Orkut account or ID Enjoy.