Save The Totem Village Walkthrough: ------------ 1)Take the log 2)Totem [S]: knock at the window Totem [A]: put the Broom into the window as long as it's opened Totem [S]: take window and hammer 3)Totem [A]: go to woodpecker and make it pick a hole into window: you get the missing wheel 4)Totem [A]: add the missing wheel to the weapon, take the rope that appears on its right 5)Totems [A] and [D]: Push thetotem Totem [S]: While A and D are pushing, take hammer and make totem fall. 6)Totem [S]: Lift totem Totem [A]: Put log under totem Totem [S]: Push totem forward repeat 7)Totem [A]: Take rope and use it on totem Totem [S]: Pull the rope and push weapon to the right 8)Totem [S]: make the weapon hit the ugly guy xD (take hammer and click)