Rhem 3 - The Secret Library Rhem 3:The Secret Library Walkthrough Platform:PC By: Puzzle Master (Randy Taylor Jr.) When the train stops turn around. Kales will ask you if you have the piece of paper from his brother. Go to your Inventory (bottom left hand side of the screen,the box) take the PIECE OF PAPER and put it in the machine. Turn around and press the brown square button. Turn left,go forward twice and turn left. Examine the map laying on the table. On the top of the map it shows a green octagon 10x. Put the map down. There is a puzzle but we don't have enough information. Go back to the train. There are two doors to the right of the train but there locked. Examine the monitor on the fence and press the green square button. Kales will open the door for you. Quickly turn left,get back on the train and press the square brown button. Turn right and get off the train press the green button to open the hatch. Go inside to the other side and turn left. Go towards the tree and take LEAF A. Note the sound of the bird long, short,long. Turn right and open the door. Face the stone/orange colored looking door and press the orange square button. ========= Lamp Puzzle ========= This puzzle is random. Press the round button underneath the lamp that's blinking. Look around to find another blinking light,when all the lamps are turned off the door will open. If you press the button twice you will have to start all over. ======================================= Go across the bridge and open the door. The lights will turn on down the corridor. Turn left and look up,open the panel and climb the ladder. Go towards the door and raise the orange lock up. Turn right. Press the square orange button. Turn around and go back down the ladder. Go down the corridor and open the elevator doors. Get on the elevator and turn right. Go forward and left. Take LEAF C write down the bird tune short,long,long. Get back on the elevator turn left and press the up button. Turn right,forward twice and left. Press the orange square button to lower the bridge. Turn right,open the hatch and go down the ladder. Go across the bridge,down the corridor and turn left. Go towards the shutter door and turn right. Open the door,go forward all the way down the walkway and turn left. Take LEAF E note down the tune long,long,long. Turn around go back down the walkway and turn left. Go thru the oval building and turn right. Go up the stairs and unlock the door. Turn around go back down the stairs,back thru the oval building and back to the shutter door. Turn around and close the door. Turn left and press the orange square button. Solve the lamp puzzle to open the door that leads back to the elevator. Go across the bridge turn left and go up the ladder. Open the door,go back down the stairs, back thru the oval building and go back to the door you just closed. Write down the picture of the three triangles in the red rectangle. Go back to the elevator and press the button to open the elevator doors. Go down the ladder and turn around,go forward and turn right. Enter the hallway and examine the big hole in the wall on the right side. Press the red button. Go back to the door,notice the blue squares. Keep in mind of the dark blue squares. Go back and press the red button to open the door. Go back thru the door and turn around. ============== Blue Door Puzzle ============== Click only on the squares to make them dark blue Dark Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Dark Blue Dark Blue Light Blue Dark Blue Dark Blue ======================================= Go back and press the red button again. The door to your right is now open. Go back to the ladder and press the down button to make the elevator go down. Stand beside the red button. and press the down button to make the round elevator come down. Get on the elevator and go down. Turn around and write the order of the colors and the arrows. Blue,Right Arrow,Green,Left Arrow,Green Right Arrow,Yellow.Turn back around and go up. Go back to the elevator control and press the down button. Get on the elevator and go up,when the elevator stops go up again. Turn right and go down the ladder. turn right and click on the picture. Look down and write down the three circles and the black dots. Pull the ring to open the blue and white curtain. Open the panel and write down the three circles and the black dots. Climb the ladder and get back on the elevator,go down. Turn left and go towards the tree. Take LEAF H write down the tune long,long,short. Turn around and go forward. Press the round red button to lower the bridge. Go down the ladder and turn around. Go forward and left and go down the manhole. Turn right,ignore the orange button for now,go forward and turn left. Go forward and climb up the ladder and open the hatch. Turn left and examine the door. Write down the lines etched on the door. The X's represent spaces between the numbers. 4x1 x3x Turn right and go up the stairs. Take LEAF D write down the tone short,short, short. Turn around and go back down the stairs. Go up the ladder,examine the drawing (sorry,I can't explain it) Turn left and write down the lines on the chalkboard. Again,the X's represent spaces between the numbers. x6x 2x5 Click on the chalkboard and pick up KEY C. Go back down the ladder and go back down the manhole. Go back to the bridge you lowered and turn left. Enter the four story building. Climb the ladder,turn right and go around the corner. Use the Key C. Go back down the ladder turn right and go around the corner. Press the green square button to raise the bridge. Turn right and go back up the ladder. Turn right and climb/go up the bridge. Turn around and go forward. You should be facing an elevator control buttons. Press the down button twice to lower the small wooden bridge. Turn left and go down the bridge. Go past the ladder and enter the room on your right. Go forward. Use the clues you found earlier. The lines etched on the door and the lines on the chalkboard. ============ Blue Button Puzzle ============ Press the buttons in order from 1 to 6 461 235 ================================== Turn right and press the green square button. A door opens! Go back down the ladder and press the green square button to lower the steel bridge. Go back down the manhole,thru the sewer and up the ladder. Turn left,there's that door that opened. =============== Water Reservoir Puzzle =============== This ain't really a puzzle,but it can be really confusing. Go forward three times and turn left. Press the orange square button to open the panel. Turn the green arrow so it's pointing to the right (green pole). Close the panel and turn left. Go forward and climb the ladder,turn right and forward and press the red button to open the panel. Take the FRAGMENT RIGHT. Close the panel. Turn around and go back down the ladder. Go halfway across the bridge, turn left and open the panel. Move the green arrow straight up (gray pole). Close the panel and turn right. Go forward and go down the ladder. Go all the way around the reservoir and open both green power boxes and press the red buttons. Close the power boxes and turn right,press the blue square button to let the water out of the reservoir. Go around the corner and press the red button to open the door. Go forward and press the red square button. Write down what you see. Octagon,9,octagon,octagon,3,2. Turn left and look at the round glass circle. 7,octagon,3,3,octagon,octagon. Exit the reservoir and turn around,close the door. Turn left,go around and press the blue button to fill the reservoir with water. Go back around and go up ladder. Go to the end of the bridge and open the small blue box on your right and press the button. Go forward and go up the ladder,turn around and open the small blue box and press the button. Go back down the ladder and turn around,go up the stairs,turn right and hit the purple square button. 4,octagon,2,8,octagon,octagon. Go back down the stairs,turn right go halfway across the bridge and open the panel. Turn the green arrow to the left (purple pole). Turn left and go back to the manhole. Open the left hatch and go down the ladder. Press the blue square button to let the water out of the reservoir. Climb up the ladder,turn around and climb the ladder. Turn right,go forward,turn left and press the red square button. Octagon,1,octagon,octagon,5,8. Go across the bridge,down the ladder turn around and go down the manhole. Press the blue button to fill the reservoir with water. Go back up the ladder,turn left and go to the end of the bridge. Press the red buttons to enter the code 713358. Turn right and press the green square button. Take the GEARWHEEL. Go back across the bridge and go up the ladder. On the bridge,open the gray panel,look down and open the red panel. Use the Gearwheel and press the red button. Go back and go down the ladder. Go back down the manhole and press the blue button to let the water out of the reservoir. Go back to the reservoir,open the door and go forward. Take the FRAGMENT LEFT. Go back to the manhole,go down the manhole and press the blue button to let the water in the reservoir. Climb up the ladder,turn around and go up the ladder and open the gray panel,press the red button. Go back down the manhole and press the blue button to let the water out of the reservoir. Exit the manhole,turn around,go up the ladder and go across the bridge. Turn right and press the green square button to open the panel. Use the Fragment Left and Fragment Right. Close the panel and press the red circle button to open the gate. Go forward and enter the code 492832 turn right and take GREEN CRYSTAL 04. Go back across the bridge and down the ladder. Go down the manhole and press the blue button to fill the reservoir with water. Exit the manhole turn around and go up the ladder and turn right. Open the grey panel and press the red button. Go back to the manhole and press the blue button to left the water out of the reservoir. Go back to the reservoir and open the steel hatch and go down the ladder. =========================================================== Turn left and go forward. Turn right and go forward four times and turn right. A woman in red will talk to you. "If you bring an octogonal drawing to the hidden in Rhem. Go up the elevator" Press the orange square button to go up. Turn around and take the OLD KEY. Turn back around and go back down. Turn right and go forward. Pull the ring to close the door ahead of you. Turn around and go towards the doorway,turn right and look on the wall. Write down the target symbol with a 1 on the bottom left side. Enter the doorway and turn left. The left red button opens/closes the door. The right red button turns the lights on and off. Turn the lights on and open the door. Go inside and turn left,pull the ring to open the curtain. Keep in mind of the gold hour glass and the skull's teeth. Top row:white,black,white,white. Bottom row:white,white, white,white. Turn right and open the curtain,leave the curtain open for about five seconds,keep in mind of the golden ball. Quickly exit the room,close the door,turn the lights off,open the door and open the curtain. Write down the colors on the paper. Top row:black,white,white,black. Bottom row:black,white, white,black. Exit the room and turn the lights back on. Go back inside and turn right. Open the curtain to see an instrument,leave the curtain open for about five seconds. Again,quickly exit the room,close the door,turn the lights off, open the door and open the curtain, write down the target symbol with a 2 on the top right side. While the lights are off. Turn right and press and hold the large red button for five seconds. Write down the symbol and L N. Exit the room,go forward and go up the ladder. Unlock the door and press the orange square button. You should know where you're at! Go back down the ladder,across the steel bridge,down the manhole,thru the sewer,and up the ladder. Go back to the reservoir and go back down the ladder. Write down the three triangles in a green rectangle. Now backtrack your steps. Exit the reservoir. back to the manhole,thru the serwer,up the ladder and back to the four story building. Go back up the ladder and back to the door you just unlocked/opened. Go down the ladder,back to where you talk to the woman in red. Pull the ring again to open the door.Turn around and go across the bridge. Take a right and go back up the ladder. Open the door and turn right. Go forward and turn left and go back down the ladder. Turn right and press the green button to raise the bridge. Turn right and go back up the ladder. Turn right and climb up the steel bridge. Turn around and press the up button twice to raise the wooden walkway/bridge all the way to the top. Go back down the steel bridge and back down the ladder. Turn left and go forward,press the green button to raise the steel bridge (unless it's already raised) Climb down the steel bridge,and turn around. Press the dark green button on the top to unlock the door. Turn right and go back up the steel bridge. Press the green button again to lower the steel bridge. Turn left and go back down the ladder,turn left and go forward. Open the door you just unlock. Turn around and close the door. Go across the bridge and turn left. Press the green square button to raise the gate. Go back down the manhole. Turn right DO NOT press the orange button,go forward and climb the ladder all the way to the top. Go forward and press the large red circle button. Look out the window to see what door unlock. Turn right and press the orange square button. Go inside and turn around,press the orange square button to close the door. Press the green square button and turn left. Go forward and open the silver panel. ================ Shutter Door/Map Puzzle ================ Read this VERY carefully in order to get thru this. There are four cross "like" symbols with a circle green/red on each end. Each time you move a red circle either up/down or left/right a shutter door will either open or close. I'm going to start with the cross on the right going clockwise. Right Cross-Move the red dot up and the red dot left. Bottom Cross-Red dot down and red dot left. Left Cross-Red dot down and red dot left. Top Cross-Red dot down and red dot right. Close the panel. Turn left and go forward. Turn left and forward. Open the book. On the bottom right hand side of the screen is a open book with a positive sign. Click on this symbol to take a "picture" of each page of a book. Take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn left,take a "picture" of all the pages. Close the book. Above the book is a picture of a jigsaw piece write this down. Turn around. Go forward,right,forward,left,forward,right,forward. Open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn left,take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn around. Go forward and left. Open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn right,open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Clsoe the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn around. Open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Close the book. Write down the jigsaw piece. Turn left. Write down exactly what's on the paper hanging on the wall. Go back to the silver panel. Forward,right,forward,left,forward,left, forward,right,forward,left,forward,left,forward,right. Right Cross-Red dot up and red dot left. Bottom Cross-Red dot up and red dot left. Left Cross-Red dot up and red dot left. Top Cross-Red dot up and red dot left. Close the panel. Go forward,left,forward,right,forward,left,forward. Open the book. Take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn left. Open the book and take a "picture" of al the pages. Close the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn around,open the book,take a "picture" of all the pages. Close the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn right. Write down exactly what on the paper hanging on the wall. Go back to the silver panel. Forward,right,forward,left, forward,right. Right Cross-Red dot down and red dot left. Bottom Cross-Red dot right and red dot down. Left Cross-Red dot up and red dot right. Top Cross-Red dot up and red dot left. Go forward,right,forward. Open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn right,open the book take a "picture" of all the pages. Close the book. Write down the jigsaw piece. Turn around,go forward,left,forward,forward, right,forward. Open the book. Take a "picture" of all the pages. Turn left open the book,take a "picture of all the pages. When you get to the third page take LEAF G. Turn around. Go forward and right. Open the book and take a "picture" of all the pages. Close the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn right. Open the book. Take a picture of all the pages,close the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn around. Open the book and take a picture of all the pages,close the book and write down the jigsaw piece. Turn left. Go back to the silver panel. Forward,right,forward,left,forward,left,forward, forward,right,forward,right,forward,left. =========================================================== Move the cursor down and click on the open book (beside the box) You should have a total of 17 books. Book#1-STOR-REB Book#2-DOV-VOHM Book#3-Different Shapes Book#4-Different colored pentagons and circles with blue dots. Book#5-BWEN-TI Book#6-Lattices Book#7-MIHD-DOV Book#8-Blue and white blocks and numbers Book#9-NES-XOR Book#10-TI-BWEN Book#11-Circles with numbers and orange and blue dots. Book#12-Sound waves,numbers and letters Book#13-VOHM-STOR Book#14-Sign Lanuage Book#15-REB-XI Book#16-Map/floor plans Book#17-XI-MIHD Go around the corner,go forward and turn left. Press the orange square button to open the door. Go down the hallway and back down the steel bridge. Turn left,go forward twice and turn around. Press the orange button to lower the steel bridge. Turn left and go up the ladder. Go back into the four story building,turn around and press the green button to raise the steel bridge. Turn right and go up the ladder. Turn right and climb up the steel bridge. Turn around and press the down button twice. Turn left and go back down the steel bridge. Turn around and go back down the ladder. Turn left,go forward and open the door. Go across the steel bridge and press the red button to open the door. Go forward four times and turn right. ================ Pentagon Puzzle Part 1 ================ Use the clue you found on the back of the elevator (the black dots) and Book#4. Top Left-Green Top Right-Blue Bottom-Yellow ================================================= Go back across the steel bridge and open the door. Go forward and go up the ladder. Turn left,go forward and press the green button to raise the steel bridge. Turn left,go forward and go up the steel bridge. Turn around and press the up button once. Go across and go down the steel bridge. Go thru the sewer and climb up the ladder. Turn left and go forward. ================ Pentagon Puzzle Part 2 ================ Use the clue you found on the back of the picture (the one that fell,the black dots) and Book#4. Top Left-Red Top Right-Purple Bottom-Green ================================================= Turn right,go forward and left. Open the door and turn left. Use the Old Key. Turn right and press the green button. Take the OCTAGONAL PIECE. Press the button again and write down the three triangles in a blue rectangle. Now go all the way back to where you talk to the woman in red. I hope you know how to get there. Also when you climb back the steel bridge,go across the wooden walkway bridge and press the up button to raise the wooden walkway to the fourth floor. Have you made it back to the woman in red? Good. Press the orange square button to go up. Turn right and use the Octagonal Piece. Turn around and take GREEN CRYSTAL 09. Go back down. The lady in red will talk to you again. Go back to the reservoir,back down the manhole,thru the sewer. Back to the steel bridge, turn right and climb the ladder. Get back on the circle elevator and go down. Go back to the elevator and press the up button to make the elevator go up. Climb up the ladder and press the down button to make the elevator go down. Get on the elevator and turn left. Go down the walkway,turn left then turn right. Open the door. Go back to the oval building. ================ The Oval Building Puzzle ================ Okay,remember taking a "picture' of all them books? Remember drawing all them puzzle pieces? I hope you drawed the puzzle pieces THEN wrote down the words in order with the page number (1,2,3,4,...) But if you didn't that ok cause I didn't either. Look at the word "Storvohmbwen". Look at the jigsaw piece on the left. Look for the exact puzzle piece you wrote down. Then look for the word "Stor" which ever order that word is,that's the number. It takes a few minutes to solve all of them but you can do it. It's actually pretty easy. Storvohmbwen-776 Bwentistor-919 Tirebnes-224 Xixornes-553 Xornesdov-4510 Mihdnesti-5510 ================================================= Also draw each flower that you see. There are six of them. And the colors of each flower. Go back to the lamp room. Solve the puzzle and go back to the train. Turn left.go forward and open the door. 1ST FLOOR Look at the door on your left(east)open the panel,there are three red buttons on the top and three red buttons on the bottom. Close the panel and turn left go around the balcony and look towards the door we just looked at. See them three symbols? Look at Book#6. This is how I solved this puzzle. Let's say for an example that the symbol is a cross. Look at Book#6 page#6. On Page#6 look for a vertical line on the right side,now look for a horizontal line on the bottom. Place your finger on the horizontal line and go up (over the lattice) to the vertical line. Look how the lattice is positioned. That's your answer. I'm just going to tell you how many times to press the TOP red button on each door. Going from Left to Right. East Door-8,14,6-Take KEY A North Door-2,9,10 West Door-1,13,11 South Door-4,5,3 With all the door's unlocked,go back to the lamp room. Turn right,press the orange square button and solve the puzzle. Go forward and left do not go up the ladder,not yet. Continue going forward. Turn the knob until the bridge raises up. Make a note the position of the knob (8:00) and the diamond with a circle above the knob. Turn the knob back to the blue dot. Go back to the lamp room.Turn right,press the orange square button and solve the puzzle. Go across the walkway and open the door. Turn right,go up the ladder,forward,down the ladder,then up the ladder. Open the panel. Turn the knob until the bridge raises up. Make a note of the position of the knob (11:00) and the triangle with a circle above the knob. Turn the knob back to the blue dot. Turn around go down the ladder,and turn right. Go forward and right. ================= Color Triangle Door Puzzle ================= Use the clue you found going down the circle elevator. Blue Left Triangle Green Right Triangle Green Left Triangle Yellow ======================================= Open the panel. Turn the knob until the bridge raises up. Make a note of the position of the knob (9:00) and the upside down triangle with a circle. Turn the knob back to the blue dot. Go back to the 1st Floor. Go to the North Door and press the square red button. Go inside and take LEAF B write down the tone long,short,short. Turn left and pull the ring to open the door. Turn right and go up the ladder. Turn around go forward and right. Press the yellow square button. Go back down the ladder. Turn around and open the panel. Turn the knob until the bridge raises up. Write down the position of the knob (3:00) and the square with a circle above the knob. DO NOT move the knob. Go back up the ladder and cross the bridge. =========== The Bridge Puzzle =========== Go to each panel and notice the shape on top. Press the yellow button to open the panel. You must click in the center to turn the line in the position you saw on each shape and press the red circle,remember when you turned each knob until the bridge raises up,the knob points to the red dot you click on. Square-Click on the center once,click the red dot (3:00) Upside Down Triangle-Click on the center three times,click the red dot (9:00) Triangle-Click on the center three times,click on the red dot (11:00) Diamond-Click on the center twice,click on the red dot (8:00) ================================================================ Turn left and go forward. Press the green square button to open the panel. Take the GREEN CRYSTAL 03. Go back to the train and turn right. Press the green button to open the hatch. Go thru to the other side and turn right. Go up the stairs. 2ND FLOOR I'm just going to tell you how many times you press the TOP red button. Going from left to right. East Door-10,12,2-Take KEY B North Door-3,14,4 West Door-5,7,5-Take the DOUBLE CONE South Door-11,13,1-Take the ISOCAEDER Go back to the 1st Floor and enter the West Door. Go down the hallway and enter the second doorway on your right. Turn left and close the door. Turn left again and examine the piece of paper hanging on the wall. Write down the four faces and the shapes underneath them. Exit and turn right. Enter the third doorway. Examine the picture hanging on the wall. Write down the black and white squares Top Row:white,white,white,black. Bottom Row:black,white,black,white. Turn left and close the door. Go back to the 2nd Floor. Enter the North Door. Go forward and right. Go straight across the hallway into the room and turn right. PEACH FLOWER ROOM Remember the flowers we wrote down earlier and their colors? That's our clue. There will be a total of six of these screens. Press the right blue button 9 times. Turn left and close the blinds. Exit and turn around and close the door. Go down the hallway and enter the second doorway. Turn right. BLACK? FLOWER ROOM Turn left and leave the blinds open. Turn around and examine the pictures. Notice the man's hands and the womans earring. Use Book#14 to find the clue to the man's hands. There will be quite of few of these pictures. Bald Man's Hands-APA,AGY Woman's Earring-White,White,Black Turn right and exit. Turn right,go down the hallway and enter the third doorway on the right. DARK GREEN FLOWER ROOM Turn left and close the blinds. Turn around. Man's Hands-YFY,APA Woman's Earring-White,White,White Turn left and enter. PURPLE FLOWER ROOM Press the right blue button 7 times. Turn left and leave the blinds open. Turn around. Man's Hands-UPA,GAF Woman's Earring-White,Black,Black Exit the room. Turn around and close the door. Go back to the 1st Floor and enter the West Door. Go forward and right. LIME GREEN FLOWER ROOM Turn right and leave the blinds open. Turn around. Man's Hands-FYQ,UAF Woman's Earring-Black,Black,Black LIGHT BLUE FLOWER ROOM Press the right blue button 2 times. Turn right and close the blinds. Turn around. Man's Hands-CYC,PUZ Woman's Earring-Black,White,Black Exit the room. Turn around and close the door. Go back down the hallway and enter the second doorway on the right. Turn left and open the door. DARK BLUE FLOWER ROOM Turn right and close the blinds. Turn around. Man's Hands-CAL,UAF Womans Earring-Black,Black White. Exit the room,turn around and close the door. Enter the third doorway on the right. WHITE FLOWER ROOM Press the right blue button 10 times. Turn left and leave the blinds open. Turn around. Man's Hands-CAL,LUZ Woman's Earring-White,Black,White PINK FLOWER ROOM Press the blue button on the right side 5 times. Turn right and leave the blinds open. Exit the room,turn around and close the door. Go back to the 2nd Floor and enter the North Door. Go straight across the hallway and turn left. YELLOW FLOWER ROOM Press the blue button on the right side 8 times. Turn right and close the blinds. Turn around. Man's Hands-APA,AGY Woman's Earring-Black,White,White Go back to the 1st Floor and enter the West Door. Go all the way down to the end of the hallway. Press the red square button to open the door. Go inside and turn left. Take the GREEN CRYSTAL 05. Exit,go back down the hallway and open the door. Go to the South Door. Go across the wooden bridge and turn right. Use the Key B. Open the door,go outside and turn left. Lift the wooden panel and use the Key A. Close the wooden panel and open the door. Press the red square button. Remember the two pieces of paper we found hanging on the wall in the library. The screen should look like that piece of paper. Press the green button,you should get a green light. Turn right,open the panel and take the GREEN CRYSTAL 08. Exit the room. Turn around and close the door. Turn left and walk to the railroad tracks. Turn right and go forward on the railroad tracks and turn right. Follow the yellow cable and pull the switch down on the back of the monitor. Face the monitor and press the green square button. Write down the target symbol with a 3 on the bottom right hand corner. Turn left and go across the railroad tracks. Turn left and go towards the table. Pick up the map. Write down the three circles with vertical and horizontal lines. Turn around and go forward,left and right. Press the green square button on the left side to close the door. Open the small gray panel and press the orange square button to go up. Turn left and look down. Look familiar? On the left put L and on the right put N. Go back and turn right. Go forward and open the door. Turn right,forward and left. Press the square button and Kales will tell you, "you can check the crystal we have found with this scanner to see if it's authentic,if it's authentic the lamp will shine yellow". Keep this in mind for later. Turn right and look down at the bed. Lift up the pillow and examine the blue book. Look for the three circles you saw on the map earlier. The circle with 4 horizontal lines has triangles and hexagons. The circle with 3 horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines has stars and a queen's crown. The circle with 2 horizontal lines and 1 vertical line has diamonds and ? (it's either a square with spikes coming out of each side or the sun) Pick up the piece of paper that was laying underneath the book. First look for the first symbol of each circle (triangle,stars,diamonds) then look for the second symbol (hexagon,queen's crown,?) the first symbols should be right beside a large circle. Go back down the elevator,press the green button on the left to open the door. Go forward twice,turn around and look up. Write down the target symbol with a 4 on the top left corner. Go back to the room with the map ============== The Green Dot Puzzle ============== Press the red square buttons X amount of times,going from left to right. 5,6,8,1 Take the BALL. ==================================================== Go back to the lamp room. Press the orange square button and solve the puzzle. Go across the walkway and open the door. Go down the corridor and open the elevator doors. Get on the elevator,turn around and close the doors. Go up. Turn right,go down the ladder,go across the bridge,turn left,forward and right. Go back thru the oval building,up the stairs and open the door. Go down the ladder and turn left. Open the elevator doors again and go down the ladder. Get on the circle elevator and go up. Turn left,go down the ladder and back down the manhole. Go thru the sewer and up the ladder. Go back to the reservoir and back down the ladder. Go across the wooden walkway and turn right. Go up the ladder and open the door. Press the green square button to close the door with the number etched on it. Turn around,go back down the ladder and turn left. ==================== Black And White Lamp Puzzle ==================== Go forward and examine the letters on the wall. GA FUPAC ALLUZ FY QUAFA PAAGY Now break the letters down and put them together like so... GAF,UPA CAL,LUZ FYQ,UAF APA,AGY Use the clue,we found on the 1st and 2nd Floor. The man's hands and the womans earrings. Oh,I forgot turn around and go back to the doorway,turn right. Go forward and turn right and pull the ring. Go back to the doorway. On each lamp I'm going to name the colors from the TOP to the BOTTOM. You should be standing at the doorway,enter and turn left. White,Black,Black Turn around White,Black,White Turn left and go towards the wall and turn left White,White,Black Turn around Black,Black,Black ================================================= Turn left,press the button and take GREEN CRYSTAL 07. Turn around and go back to the reservoir. Exit and go around and climb the ladder. Go across the wooden walkway and write down the 4 triangles. We've already found the blue,green and red. We only have one left,the yellow. Also the triangles we already have (green,red,blue) there is a questions mark by the second triangle,these are incorrect. The correct triangles are the ones in front of you. Turn around and go back to the black and white lamps. Turn right and go up the ladder. Open the door and press the square green button to open the door again. Now go all the way to the oval building. Go thru to the other side and turn left. ==================== Triangle Button Elevator Puzzle ==================== There are 4 triangle buttons on the panel. Let's say that 1 is on the left and 4 on the right. Press the buttons in this order 4,1,2 a timer will appear. Continue pressing the 2 button until you reach 30. Hit the 3 button and the timer will go down. You must quickly go around,get on the elevator and press the hand button to go up before the timer goes to 00 =========================================================== Turn around and take the CYLINDER. Turn left or right and look at the letters. ======= Radio Puzzle ======= Let's look at the letter W. Look at the color of the buttons. Go to Book#12 and turn to Page#4.Look for the letter W,remember the colors red and green. So look to the left of the letter W and you get 8 and look up 4. W=84 K=69 D=38 Turn and press the top rectangle button to turn the radio on. Go back to Book#12 Page#5. It shows a picture of a bird and the number 134. Press the right arrow button to go to channel 134 ====================================================== Sound familiar? Write down the tone you hear in the same exact order. 1) Long,Long,Short 2) Short,Long,Long 3) Short,Short,Long 4) Long,Long,Long 5) Long,Short,Short 6) Short,Long,Short 7) Short,Short,Short 8) Long,Short,Long Pull the handle to go back down. Go back to the four story building. Go across the steel bridge,turn around and press the green square button to raise the bridge. Turn right and go up the ladder. Climb up the steel bridge and turn around. Press the down button twice. Go back down the steel bridge,go down the hallway and press the green button to lower the steel bridge. Go back down the hallway and back up the steel bridge. Press the up button twice. Go back down the steel bridge,back down the ladder and turn left. Open the door,go across the bridge and open the door. Continue going forward,press the green square button and get on the elevator. Press the button to go up. Turn around. ================ The Four Statues Puzzle ================ Place the Isocaeder in his hands. Press his nose to open his mouth. Go to Book# 3 Page#6. The white is white and the blue is black. Top Row:White,White,White,White Bottom Row:Black.Black,White,Black Turn left and press the green button to open the door. Go forward,right,forward and right. Place the Ball in his hands. Press his nose to open his mouth. Remember in the dark room where we had to leave the curtain open for about five seconds and turn the lights off. The piece of paper. Top Row:Black,White,White,Black Bottom Row:Black,White,White,Black Turn left,go forward,right,forward and right. Place the Cylinder in his hands. Press his nose to open his mouth. Remember on the 1st Floor the big picture hanging on the wall. Top Row:White,White,White,Black Bottom Row:Black,White,Black,White Turn left,forward,right,forward twice and right. Place the Double Cone in his hands. Press his nose to open his mouth. Remember the clue in the dark room,the picture of the skull with the missing tooth. Top Row:White,Black,White,White Bottom Row:White,White,White,White ===================================================================== Go back to the elevator. Turn around and go forward and left. Press the red button and take GREEN CRYSTAL 06. Turn around and take LEAF F. Write down the tone short,short,long.Turn right and get back on the elevator and go down. Turn right and press the green button and turn right. Go forward and open the door, go right,open the gate and go down the manhole. DO NOT press the orange button. Climb the ladder up to the top. Go back to the shutter doors,turn left and examine the red book. =========== Leaf Book Puzzle =========== Use the bird's tune you heard from each leaf you pick up. And also use the bird tunes you heard on the radio to put them in order. Page# 1 Leaf H Page# 2 Leaf C Page# 3 Leaf F Page# 4 Leaf E Page# 5 Leaf B Page# 6 Leaf G Page# 7 Leaf D Page# 8 Leaf A ================================================= Turn left,go around the corner and open the door. Go down the ladder and turn left. Go down the hall,across the bridge and turn right. Take GREEN CRYSTAL 01 Turn around and unlock the door. It just leads back to the four statues but the elevator is down. So,go back to where you solved the Leaf Book Puzzle. Exit the room and go back down the steel bridge/ladder. Turn left and press the orange button to lower the steel bridge. Go up the ladder,back on the steel bridge and enter the building. Turn around and press the green button to raise the steel bridge. Turn right,go down the hall,open the door and go across the steel bridge. Open the door and back to the elevator,go up. Now go back to the door we just unlock. Now we have to do the same thing over again. Go thru the hall, across the bridge and back to the Leaf Book Puzzle. Go back down the steel bridge/ladder and press the orange button to lower the steel bridge. Climb up the ladder and go back inside the four story building. Go down the hall,open the door,back across the steel bridge and back to the elevator. Press the green square button to open the door DO NOT press the down button,unless of course you would like to do this all over again. Go inside and turn right. Write down the three triangles in a yellow rectangle. Ok,are you ready? Go all the way back to the lamp puzzle room. You should have entered thru the shutter door. Face the door infront of you and press the button and solve the puzzle. Go forward and climb up the ladder. 3RD FLOOR Once again the TOP red buttons going from left to right. East Door-1,5,11 North Door-4,3,4 West Door-14,9,7 South Door-6,13,8 ================== 3rd Floor Red Button Puzzle ================== Read this VERY,VERY carefully in order to get thru this tough puzzle. Go in the East Door,facing the map,turn around. Enter the West Door right in front of you,open the door,turn right and press the red button.Exit. Turn left and enter the South Door. Turn left and press the red button. Exit. Enter the North Door right in front of you,turn right and press the red button. Exit. Turn left and enter the West Door,turn left and press the red button. Exit. Turn left and enter the South Door and turn left,go forward and around the corner and press the red button. Exit. Go back to the North Door,turn right and press the red button. Exit. Go back to the South Door,turn left and go around the corner and press the red button.Exit. Go back to the North Door,turn right and press the red button. Exit. Go back to the South Door,turn left and press the red button. Exit. Go back to the North Door,turn right and press the red button. Exit. Go back to the South Door,turn left and press the red button. Exit. Turn right and enter the West Door,turn left and press the red button. Turn around,go forward and press the red button. Turn around and take GREEN CRYSTAL 02 *sigh* ================================================= Go back to the lamp room. Turn left,solve the puzzle and go to the 2nd Floor. Enter the North Door. Walk forward towards the railing,but don't enter the doorway. Instead,turn all the way around and look up. There are 8 triangles with lines going thru them. Keep in mind of the lines going thru each triangle starting with the triangle on the left. The lines are either on top,in the middle or on the bottom of each triangle. Go back to the 3rd Floor. Enter the North Door and turn left. Open the small blue box,press the button until the color light blue appears. Close the box and enter the East Door. Turn right and forward. ======== The A Puzzle ======== Use the clue we just found,the triangles with lines. Press the Middle Button Bottom Button Top Button Top Button Middle Button Top Button Bottom Button Middle Button Press the orange square button ================================================= Turn around and examine the back of the door. Write down the sequence: down,yellow,blue,up,yellow,down,red,yellow,red,up,blue. Turn back around and press the orange square button to open the door. Go back to the lamp room and turn left. Press the button and solve the puzzle. Go back to the hatch but DO NOT press the orange button. Examine the hatch door. =========== Hatch Door Puzzle =========== Count how many buttons are on the hatch door. There are 8. Go to Book#11 Page#5. Look at the middle circle with the numbers 1 thru 8. Press the buttons in the same order. 1 (2:00) 2 (3:00) 3 (7:00) 4 (6:00) 5 (10:00) 6 (5:00) 7 (12:00) 8 (9:00) Go back and press the orange button. Enter and write down the upside down triangle with a dot on the upper left side. Turn around and press the orange button twice. Go thru to the other side and turn around. Press the blue button to close the hatch. 1 (10:00) 2 (3:00) 3 (7:00) 4 (2:00) 5 (12:00) 6 (9:00) 7 (5:00) 8 (6:00) Go back and press the blue button. Go inside and write down the symbol with a dot on the bottom. =========================================================== Turn around and press the blue button once. Turn right,go forward twice and turn around. ========== The Lever Puzzle ========== Use the clue we found on the 3rd Floor on the back of the door in the East Room Pull the lever down Press the yellow button Press the blue button Raise the lever up Press the yellow button Pull the lever down Press the red button Press the yellow button Press the red button Raise the lever up Press the blue button Press the Green Square Button ======================================= Go forward and left. Open the hatch and go down the ladder. Turn around and look at the two symbols on the wall. Look at Book# 8 Page#5. Write down the numbers 24 73 81 60 Turn left and get on the rail car, Turn left and press the left green button. ===================== Black And White Square Puzzle ===================== Use the numbers you just got 24 73 81 60 On the left large square click on the top left small square twice,the small square next to it press it four times,the small square on the bottom left press it eight times,the small square next to it press it once. Get the idea? Do the same thing to the large square on the right. =========================================================== Press the left green button to close the panel. Press the right green button to move the rail car. When the rail car stops turn left and go forward. Open the silver panel and press the red button, Turn around,go forward twice and turn around. Pull the small silver lever on the bottom right side of the screen to lower the elevator. Get on the elevator and press the red button. Press the top red button,then press the red button to lower the elevator. Turn around and pull the small silver to raise the elevator. Go forward,open the silver panel and press the red button. Turn around and pull the lever to lower the elevator. Get on the elevator and press the red button. Turn around and go outside. Turn right and open the panel and press the button. Turn around and go forward,look at the green power box. Keep the symbol in mind. Get back on the elevator. Turn left and pull the ring. Turn right and press the red button. Turn around,open the panel and press the red button. Turn back around and press the red button. Go forward down the walkway and turn left. Go forward and turn right. Go towards the door and turn right. Go towards the desk and look down. Open the left drawer and examine the book. Turn to page# 12. Look for the symbol we saw on the green power box 72. Go back to the elevator press the red button. Turn around,open the panel and press the red button. Turn back around and press the red button. Turn left and pull the ring. Go back outside and turn left. Open the wooden panel. ======== Power Puzzle ======== Use the clue you got from the book,the symbol on the power box 72 ================================================= Go back to the elevator. Turn left and pull the ring,press the red button. Turn around,open the silver panel and press the red button. Turn back around and press the red button. Exit the elevator. Go forward and open the wooden door. Let's call this Panel E. Click on the needle and count how many times you hear a click,4 times, Close the box and turn left. Go forward,open the box. Panel D. Click on the needle and count how many times you hear a click,2 times. Also write down the pentagon and the four lines inside the pentagon. Turn around,go right,forward,right,forward and right. Open the box. Panel C. Click on the needle and count how many times you hear a click,5 times. Write down the pentagon with the four lines inside the pentagon. Turn around and go left, forward,right. Open the box. Panel B. Click on the needle and count how many times you hear a click,1 time. Wite down the pentagon with the four lines inside the pentagon. Turn around and go left,forward towards the door and turn right. Examine the map hanging on the wall on the right. Write down the pentagon with the lines inside the pentagon. Put the map down and click on the picture. Get KEY D. Exit the room and turn left. Continue going forward until you reach the box. Panel A. Click on the needle and count how many times you hear a click,3 times. Also,the map we just looked at,the penatgon we wrote down that pentagon goes with Panel A. Turn around and go right. Open the wooden panel and use Key D. Turn left and press the top red button. ============== Frequency Door Puzzle ============== Keep in mind the pentagons and how many times you heard the click on each panel. Look at the four arches. Count how many blocks starting on the TOP going down. 1,2,3,4,5. Now look and see which panel made 1 click and the pentagon,which one made 2 clicks and the pentagon,which one made 3 clicks and the penatgon and so on and so fourth. Starting at the top and going down. 1=click on the black box 4 times 2=click on the black box 3 times 3=click on the black box 1 time 4=click on the black box 5 times 5=click on the black box 2 times Press the bottom red button to open the door. =========================================================== ===================== High And Low Frequency Puzzle ===================== Enter and turn left,forward and left. Make a note of the symbol. Turn left, forward twice and right. Make a note of the symbol. Go back and look at the book in the drawer, Turn to Page#11. 70 and 71. Put the book away and go to Panel C. If you turn the needle to the left and press the blue square button you'll hear low frequency. If you turn the needle to the right you'll hear high frequency. Go to all the panel's (A,B,C,D,E) and turn the needles to low frequency. Go back into the building and turn left and forward. Press the blue square button and write down how high the yellow bar rises. Do the same thing to all 5. Going clock wise Low Frequency 25 21 16 24 09 Go back outside and turn all the needles to high frequency on all the panels. Then come back inside and do the same thing. Going clockwise High Frequency 15 12 09 14 05 Now you have to look at all 10 numbers and see which ones add up to 71. This is what I got. 15+21+16+14+05=71. Go to all the panel and turn the needles like so Panel A-High Frequency Panel B-High Frequency Panel C-Low Frequency Panel D-Low Frequency Panel E-High Frequency Go back into the building and turn right,forward and right. Press the blue square button to see if we got 71. Press the orange square button and take NEW KEY. Go back outside,turn right and forwards. Use the New Key on the power box and press the red button. This shuts off the power to Panel A. Close the box. Now we have to get 70. Go to each panel and turn the needles like so Panel B-Low Frequency Panel C-High Frequency Panel D-High Frequency Panel E-Low Frequency Go back into the building,turn right,forward and right. Press the blue square button to see if we got 70. Turn right,forward twice and left. Press the orange square button and take GREEN CRYSTAL 10. =========================================================== Go back to the elevator,turn left and pull the ring then the red button. Turn around and get back on the railcar. Press the green button on the right. Get off the railcar. ============ The Symbol Puzzle ============ Turn left,open the box and look inside. Press the small round button on the right side 3 times. Click on the round circle 7 times. Go back,turn around and open the box. Press the small round button on the right side 1 time. Click on the round circle 4 times. Go back and turn right. Hop on the railcar and press the red button. Turn around and a gate has opened. ======================================================== SAVE YOUR GAME!!!! SAVE YOUR GAME!!!!! SAVE YOUR GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn either left or right and use a green crystal it doesn't matter which one you use. When you have all 10 crystals used go across the bridge and get on the elevator. Press the button to go up. Then press the round button beside the screen and Meneandas will let you have the black crystal and tells you to keep it. And we can go home. Press the round button and take the BLACK CRYSTAL. Get back on the railcar and press the green button on the right. Get off the railcar and go up the ladder. Turn left and go to the 1st Floor. Enter the South Door,go across the wooden bridge and open the door. Go outside,turn right,go across the railroad tracks and back on the elevator. Press the green button on the left to close the door. Open the small panel and press the orange button to go up. Go forward and open the door. Go forward,right,forward, left,forward and left. Use the Black Crystal in the scanner. Kales will talk to you. Take the Black Crystal and go down the elevator. Press the green square button on the right to open the door. Hop on the train and press the brown sqaure button. Enjoy the ride. 2 OPTIONAL PUZZLES I hope you saved your game. Use the 10 green crystals to open the gates. Get on the elevator and go up. Press the round button beside the screen,Meneadas will talk to you. Press the round button and take the Black Crystal. The elevator will automatically go down. Press the button to go back up. Press the round button again,where you got the black crystal. ================ The Target Symbol Puzzle ================ There are 15 buttons you can press. Look back in your notes and look at the 4 target symbol with the number. Looking at the puzzle draw an imaginary cross so that you have 4 buttons on the top left,4 buttons on the top right, 4 buttons on the bottom left and 4 buttons on the bottom right. I'm just going to use the alphabets. ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP Press J,C,P,F ============ The Triangle Puzzle ============ Remember all those triangles we found. That's our clue. I'm just going to tell you how many times you press the black squares starting at the top and going down. Red 2 6 6 Yellow 6 3 1 Blue 4 5 7 Green 8 4 5 ============ Turn left/right and press the up button. Turn around and press the circle button next to the screen. Meneandas will talk to you about finding the extra puzzles. Press the round button and take the VEHICLE KEY. Go back to the scanner and use the Black Crystal. Go down the elevator and press the right green button to open the door. Hop on the train and turn right. Use the Vehicle Key. Turn around and press the brown square button. When the train stops turn left and unlock the door and press the red button. Go thru the hall and turn left and enter the room. Turn right and examine the books laying on the desk. You can see pictures from Rhem 1,Rhem 2 and Rhem 3. Turn left and look at the four paper hanging on the wall. Look for a symbol that looks like a stick figure fish. When you have all four found turn around. ========== The Final Puzzle ========== Press the button X amount of times stating at the top and going down 2 0 1 0 ================================================= Turn left and press the red button. Kales will talk to you about the door behind you. Go back to the railcar and press the brown square button. Enjoy the ride. =========================================================== Starting writing this guide on 04/07/10 Finished it on 04/26/10 Thanks to Knut Mueller & Got Game Entertainment for making a fantastic but tough adventure/puzzle game. I love it!!!!!! A BIG thanks to my dad for helping me with Rhem 3 Thank to CjayC for posting this on GameFaqs Thanks to Dennis for posting this on Supercheats Please do not steal my guide I've work a long time on it. Other guides I've written Amerzone:The Explorer's Leagcy PC Barrow Hill:Curse Of The Ancient Circle PC Cleopatra:Riddle Of The Tomb PC Riddle Of The Sphinx PC Dark Fall:The Journal PC Dark Fall 2:Lights Out PC