Port Royale 2 – Guide

Port Royale 2 - Guide

BY: NIC PEUMP, Version 1.0

I am writing this guide due to fact there were almost no documentations written 
on this great game. I have played this game exclusively for going on 5 months. 
I have beat it in everyway possible. I believe I know more than anyone can 
about this game. I hope you all can take something away from my guide. Thank 
you very much for checking it out.


        IV.I.    SAN JUAN
        IV.IV.   MISSIONS
                IV.V.I.  SANTO DOMINGO       
                IV.V.II. ANTIGUA
        IV.VI.   SHIPS
                IV.VII.I.  ANDROSS
                IV.VII.II. TAMPA
        IV.VIII. WAR!!!
        IV.IX.   YOUR TOWN

                  | COST | CANNON | CREW | CPCTY | SPEED | AGILITY | NATION |
  LOW COST SHIPS:------------------------------------------------------------
PINNACE           |  10K |      8 |   30 |  60tn | 6-10k |    100% |    ALL |
SLOOP             |  15K |     14 |   40 |  60tn | 6-11k |    100% |    ALL |
BRIK              |  20K |     16 |   50 |  80tn | 5-11k |     95% |    ALL |
BARQUE            |  30K |     20 |   60 |  80tn | 5-12k |     90% |    ALL |
  TRADING SHIPS:-------------------------------------------------------------
FLUTE             |  40K |     16 |   80 | 200tn | 4-10k |     80% |    ALL |
TRADING FLUTE     |  60K |      8 |  100 | 250tn | 4-10k |     70% | HOLLND |
  MILITARY SHIPS:------------------------------------------------------------
CORVETTE          |  60K |     22 |   80 | 140tn | 5-12k |     80% |    ALL |
MILITARY CORVETTE | 100K |     32 |  120 | 120tn | 5-14k |     85% | FRANCE |
FRIGATE           |  70K |     26 |  100 | 160tn | 5-11k |     80% |    ALL | 
MILITARY FRIGATE  | 120K |     40 |  120 | 140tn | 5-13k |     85% | ENGLND |
GALLEON           | 110K |     36 |  120 | 180tn | 4-10k |     75% |  SPAIN |
  CAPTURED WAR SHIPS:--------------------------------------------------------
PIRATE BARQUE     | ---- |     24 |   80 |  80tn | 5-13k |     85% | PIRTES |
CARRACK           | ---- |     40 |  140 | 140tn | 4-12k |     80% | HOLLND |
CARAVEL           | ---- |     40 |  160 | 160tn | 5-12k |     75% | FRANCE |
WAR GALLEON       | ---- |     46 |  180 | 160tn | 4-13k |     70% |  SPAIN |
SHIP OF THE LINE  | ---- |     50 |  200 | 170tn | 3-14k |     65% | ENGLND |
  BONUS SHIP:----------------------------------------------------------------
STEAM SHIP        | ---- |     40 |  120 | 200tn | 6-13k |     90% | ------ |

NOTE: You can not capture a steam ship there is only one in the game and you 
must collectall of the 20 items hidden throughout the Carribean. When you have 
all 20 items speak to your wife and she will give you a map of where to find 


You will want to start your game with the city of SAN JUAN. The key thing to 
remember when picking a starting city is to take into account its surrounding 
towns. Take a look at what they have to offer to help you produce your 
manufactured goods, Which are your primary money maker. In the city of San Juan 
those goods are MEAT and RUM. Another reasonSAN JUAN is a good choice is that 
it produces both WOOD and BRICK. Try to avoid picking aSPAINISH starting city 
as you will need to pray on SPAINISH ships later on in the game. If a country's 
opionion of you drops to below UNPOPULAR they will start seizing businesses and 
WAREHOUSES you have in their towns. ST. AUGUSTINE is a difficult city to get up 
and going eary on due to its location and the lack of any nearby partner 
cities. TURK ISLANDS is a moderately difficult choice. It has a great location 
but HOLLAND is a very weak nation starting with only 7 towns. So in this Guide 
I will tell you how to make money with SAN JUAN.

        IV.I.    SAN JUAN:

To start out we will want to pick "SAN JUAN" as our start town, Also pick 
"ACCUARCY" as your special ability (you will see why later on), And lastly pick 
"SHIP" as you starting level. you will get a Brig and 30K, to start out with. 


Before anything click on the WAREHOUSE in SAN JUAN, Click on the "BUY ITEMS" 
button. (A left pointing arrow with a + sign on it). Set it as so that you buy 
the following: 10 PRODUCE at <96, 30 WOOD at <96, 30 BRICK at <96g, 
20 MEAT at <360, 20 RUM at <360, 10 WINE at <600, 10 SPICES at <600, and 
10 TOOLS at <600. NOTE: We will be raising the maximum levels later on in the 
game to keep up with supply and demand. 


As soon as you have enough cargo load your BRIG with the following: 10 PRODUCE, 
20 MEAT, 20 RUM, 10 WINE, 10 SPICES, and 10 TOOLS. For a total of 80 tons of 
cargo. Set sail for ST. THOME, Unload all the cargo you can at ST. THOME for no 
less than the following: PRODUCE at >100, MEAT >400, RUM >400, WINE >700, 
SPICES >700, and TOOLS >750. TOOLS have higher demand in towns that produce 
COCOA, TOBACCO, LYE, and COFFEE. Thus earning you more money, so hold off on 
selling them cheap there.

All the cargo you can not sell here we will save for our next town. While at 
ST. THOME Load all the SUGAR you can get for <125. If you have avalible cargo 
space fill it up with all the TOBACCO you can get for <190. If you still have 
cargo space fill it off with all the COTTON you can get for <125. We will now 
set sail for ST. KITTS, Unload the same as you did before for the same prices 
as before. While here fill up your cargo hold with allthe CORN you can buy for 
<125. With any remaining cargo space fill it up with HEMP for <125 and COCOA 
for <190. If you have sold off all your cargo return to SAN JUAN. If you have 
not yet sold off all of your original cargo, ( The PRODUCE, MEAT, RUM, WINE, 
SPICES,and TOOLS) stop by SANTO DOMINGO and sell off the rest regardless of 
price. As you will not get nearly what you paid for them if you take them back 
to SAN JUAN. If you create cargo space fill it up with WHEAT but only if you 
can get it for <96, Otherwise just return to SAN JUAN with empty space.

You will notice our mission of that voyage was to gather the raw goods needed 
to produce SAN JUAN'S manufactured goods MEAT and RUM as they will fetch a high 
price. When you arrive back at SAN JUAN unload all of your cargo into your 
WAREHOUSE. Click on your WAREHOUSE, Then click on the "SELL ITEMS" button. 
(The right pointing arrow with a - sign on it) Set it as so you sell the 
following: max CORN at >150, and max SUGAR at >150.

IF you loaded any of the other goods mentioned sell them at: max WHEAT at >100, 
max COTTON at >150, max HEMP at >150, max TOBACCO at >200, and 
max COCOA at >200.

We would rather sell them through the WAREHOUSE rather than visiting the dock, 
The WAREHOUSE will sell at the exact time the price of a certain good meets 
your sell criteria and buying is the same way. That is to assure you will get 
the best possbile price for a good even when you are not at the given port. 

For our next voyage we will load up the same goods we did for a our voyage 
prior. This time set sail for ST. MARTIN. When there sell goods with the same 
criteria as before. Also, load the same goods as before, SUGAR for <125 and to 
fill the cargo hold if neccesary load COTTON for <125. From ST. MARTIN sail to 
ANTIGUA. Once in ANTIGUA sell the same goods as usual and load CORN for <125 
and with any cargo room left load HEMP for <125 and COCOA for <190. Sail back 
to SAN JUAN if you have sold off all your goods, if not you can sell to 
SANTO DOMINGO and sell off your original cargo.

Continue this strategy until your Captain has enough experience points to sail 
on his own. You may then adjust the settings in your WAREHOUSE in SAN JUAN to 
double its current buying production: 20 PRODUCE, 60 WOOD, 60 BRICK, 40 MEAT, 
40 RUM, 20 WINE, 20 SPICES, and 20 TOOLS.Granted that you have enough capital 
from continuing the trade route manually until you have stockpiled at least 75K 
in your pocket. Before setting the trade route buy another BRIG so we may now 
transport 160 tonnes of cargo as opposed to our usual 80 tonnes. Set his trade 
route the same way we did ours before:

SAN JUAN:     *Unload: max everything 
                 Load: 20 PRODUCE, 40 MEAT, 40 RUM, 20 WINE, 20 SPICES, and 
20 TOOLS. 

ST. THOME:     Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400,
                       max WINE at >700g, max SPICES at >700g, and 
                       max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max SUGAR at <125. 
       **If Neccesary: max COTTON at <125 and max TOBACCO at <190.

ST. KITTS:     Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       max TOOLS at >750, 
                    ***max COTTON at >150, and max TOBACCO at >200.
                 Load: max CORN at <125.
       **If Neccesary: max HEMP at <125 and max COCOA at <190.

SANTO DOMINGO: Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       max TOOLS at >750,  
                    ***max COTTON at >150, max TOBACCO at >200, 
                       max HEMP at >150, and max COCOA at >200.
                 Load: max SUGAR at <125 and WHEAT at <96.

ST. MARTIN:    Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       max TOOLS at >750,  
                    ***max HEMP at >150 and max COCOA at >200.
                 Load: max SUGAR at <125. 
       **If neccesary: max COTTON at <125 and max TOBACCO at <190.

ANTIGUA:       Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       max TOOLS at >750,  
                    ***max COTTON at >150 and max TOBACCO at >200.
                 Load: max CORN at <125.
       **If neccesary: max HEMP at <125 and max COCOA at <190.

SANTO DOMINGO: Unload: max PRODUCE at >100, max MEAT at >400, max RUM at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       max TOOLS at >750,  
                    ***max COTTON at >150, max TOBACCO at >200, 
                       max HEMP at >150 and max COCOA at >200.
                 Load: max SUGAR at <125 and WHEAT at <96.

Keep in mind whenever planning a trade route always have settlers in the 
"CAPTAIN TRADING" window and all items that we are not trading in the 
"NO TRADING" window.
*We want to unload it all into the warehouse as to be able to better control 
the price of goods that are sold in SAN JUAN.
**If you cannot fill the ship(s) cargo holds with the suggested goods feel free 
to load extra COCOA, HEMP, TOBACCO, and COTTON. Towns that do not produce such 
goods may pay quite a bit for them. example: ST. MARTIN and ST THOME do not 
produce HEMP or COCOA, They will pay more for them than ST. KITTS and ANTIGUA 
who do produce them and the same works for other goods as well.
***If you have loaded COTTON AND TOBACCO in ST. THOME as well as HEMP and COCOA 
in ST. KITTS we will then have them on the ship so we can see if we cant get 
any money them in ST. KITTS and SANTO DOMINGO. Remember we need the SUGAR and 
the CORN in SAN JUAN so do not sell them off anywhere else.

This trade route will take 16 days to complete if you factor in ship repair 
time. Use this format when creating your trade route as it is a proven way to 
make you money. After about 15 to 20 trips around the trade route you should 
have inproved your trade record in the 5 towns we are frequenting to 100% 
purchase a warehouse in each town and we will later discuss what to do with 
them. For now just sit back and let the money come pouring in (About 5 - 15K 
each turn).

        IV.IV.   MISSIONS:

Throughout Port Royale 2 you will be able to do missions for all 4 of the 
Nations as well as missions for gentlemen at the local inns thoughout the 61 
towns. Governors will give you such missions as: rescuing their daughter from 
pirates, Tracking down there personal notes, Building certain buildings in a 
town, delivering certians goods and so on. Gentlemen at inns will give you such 
missions as: delivering them to certain cities, bringing them certain goods, 
and sinking certain pirate ships.

In Port Royale 2 missions are rather secondary to the actual game play than the 
trading is. I would recommend to not do missions unless you can spare a ship 
and are waiting to accumlate more money from your automatic trade route(s).

Later on in this guide we will dicuss Viceroy missions in the "WAR!!!" chapter 
the rewards for Viceory missions are far greater than any reward you will get 
in Port Royale 2.


By now in your game you should have around 200K it may take you a little while 
to accumulate that much money. We will start out by building up SAN JUAN. 
Remeber how we had purchased 30 WOOD and 30 BRICK and did not load it on a ship 
to be sold? Well we will use it now. First build 1 SAWMILL to produce you 2.5
WOOD everyday and also build 1 BRICKWORKS to produce you 2.5 BRICK everyday. 
We will start out slowly, let the game go until you have again stock piled both 
60 WOOD and 60 BRICK in your WAREHOUSE. Build 2 HOUSES to house your workers 
that will be working in your SAWMILL and BRICKWORKS. Wait again until your 
stockpile is full of 60 WOOD and 60 BRICK. Again Build 1 SAWMILL and 1 
BRICKWORKS. Now you will have 4 businesses producing you with a total of 5 WOOD 
per day and 5 BRICK per day. You must Then again repeat by building 2 HOUSES. 
Repeat this process until you have a total of 4 SAWMILLS, 4 BRICKWORKS, and 8 
HOUSES. If all 8 of your houses fill up there maximum of 960 people you should 
be making enough money to pay the building taxes on your 8 businesses. After 12 
days you should have 120 WOOD and 120 BRICK. With those materials build a 
CATTLE FARM and a RUM DISTILLERY. Build 2 houses as soon as you have the 
avalible material. You may by now cancel your buying of WOOD and BRICK as you 
produce enough to sustain yourself. Please note that we should not build any 
businesses unless we have a buffer of say 150K, that way we can change our 
startegy if we start to lose money. As you will soon be building more 
WAREHOUSES we will be building up your WOOD and BRICK resources. Back to our 
CATTLE FARM and RUM DISTILLERY. We have so far built 1 of each which will 
produce us 1 MEAT and 1 RUM per day. We will repeat this process until we have 
3 of each CATTLE FARMS and RUM DISTILLERIES. Do not forget to build a HOUSE for 
every business you build. HOUSES will earn you revenue so it would be a good 
idea since you are already paying taxes on your business to get some of that 
money back through rent. Since our trade route takes 16 days to complete it is 
safe to say that 16 days worth of production will produce you with: 
3 x 16 = 48 of each MEAT and RUM. That also means you must be providing your 
WAREHOUSEwith 48 of each CORN and SUGAR. You may to purchase another ship 
preferbly a FLUTE SHIP. Let us review what are businesses are making us each 
3 MEAT, 3 RUM, 10 WOOD, and 10 BRICK.

Per trade route evalution:
48 MEAT, 48 RUM, 160 WOOD, and 160 BRICK.

We may now stop buying WOOD, BRICK, MEAT, and RUM. Since we now produce enough 
of our own resources to sustain our current trade route. We should also start 
trading some of our WOOD and BRICK. Lets Add 30 WOOD and 30 BRICK to our trade 
route. It would also be a good idea to build a 2ND and perhaps even a 3RD 
WAREHOUSE if you so deem neccesary.

Our trading sucess should by now be up to 100% in most our the towns along our 
trade route. we should be at least a boatswain by now possibly higher, For the 
sake of the guide we will only need to be able to hold 2 permits as well as the 
1 we hold in SAN JUAN. We will buy our second permit in SANTO DOMINGO. 

                IV.V.I.  SANTO DOMINGO:

In SANTO DOMINGO we will buy a permit and build a WAREHOUSE. Once our WAREHOUSE 
is completed add an additional 30 WOOD and 30 BRICK to our trade route. Do not 
let the WOOD or BRICK be sold at any other town. Have the trade route deliver 
the total of 60 WOOD and 60 BRICK to our WAREHOUSE in SANTO DOMINGO. When our 
WAREHOUSE in SANTO DOMINGO has a total 300 of each WOOD and BRICK we will build 
HOUSES for our workers to live. Set the "SELL ITEMS" setting in the WAREHOUSE 
to sell all WHEAT and SUGAR that surpasses 300tonnes. We do this by setting the 
minimum to 300 and the sell price to >64 on WHEAT and to >80 on SUGAR. Sell all 
TOBACCO that surpasses 150tonnes. Set the sell price to >120. TOBACCO requires 
TOOLS to be produced, So lets make it so our trade route carries 10 more tools 
than it currently does and drop them off in the SANTO DOMINGO WAREHOUSE. Lets 
set our trade route accordingly to account for loading our goods from the
SANTO DOMINGO WAREHOUSE and not the dock. Currently we are producing the 
following each day in SANTO DOMINGO:

Per trade route evalution:
80 WHEAT, 64 SUGAR, and 32 TOBACCO.

We need only drop off 4 TOOLS per time around as 1 TOOLS will produce 10 
TOBACCO. SUGAR is important to our trade route because it is neccessary for our 
production of RUM. SANTO DOMINGO is good for now let us move on to obtaining 
our next neccessary cargo and permit number 3.

                IV.V.II. ANTIGUA:

In ANTIGUA we will buy a permit and build a WAREHOUSE. We will do the same 
thing we did with SANTO DOMINGO and transport 60 WOOD and 60 BRICK to our 
WAREHOUSE upon its completion. Only build in ANTIGUA when you have a safe 
buffer of 150K in the bank When we again reach 300 of each WOOD and BRICK we 
will build 2 CORN FARMS, 2 HEMP FARMS and 1 COCOA PLANTATION. Yet again do not 
forget to build 5 HOUSES for your workers to live. We will set our WAREHOUSE 
the same way. Set the minimum to 300 on both CORN and HEMP and set the minimum 
price to >150 for COCOA. Sell CORN for >80 and HEMP for >80, 
Set COCOA for >120.COCOA requires that 4 TOOLS be dropped off in the WAREHOUSE 
so adjust our trade route accordingly. Currently we are producing the following 
each day in ANTIGUA:
4 CORN, 4 HEMP, and 2 COCOA.

Per trade route evalution:
64 CORN, 64 HEMP, and 32 COCOA.

We are now producing enough of our own SUGAR and CORN to sustain our 
CATTLE FARM and RUM DISTILLERY. (Our money makers) All the left over CORN and 
SUGAR that we transport to SAN JUAN that is not used in our MEAT and RUM 
production shall be sold off at our WAREHOUSE in SAN JUAN. Set our SAN JUAN 
WAREHOUSE accordingly to sell off all CORN and SUGAR that surpasses 300 in the 
WAREHOUSE both for >80.

        IV.VI.   SHIPS:

Our ideal trading convoy should consist of: 2 TRADING FLUTE SHIPS and 2 
FLUTE SHIPS.Between those 4 ships we can transport 900tonnes of cargo more than 
enough to sustain the 6 towns on our trade route. With a daily operating cost 
of 160 gold per day we will pay only 2560 gold per trade route evalution. It is 
ideal much later on in the game as our towns grow to have 10 TRADING FLUTE 
SHIPS per each convoy. With a total cargo hold of 2500 tonnes it is perfect 
for transporting large sums of cargo between Governor and Viceroy towns. 

Our Ideal Military Convoy should consist of 2 SHIP OF THE LINES, 3 WAR 
GALLEONS,and 2 CARAVELS. We may only have 5 war ships at a time but it is good 
to have trade ships full of sailors and cannons just in the rare case you lose 
some in a sea battle. Keep in mind you may only capture these ships you cannot 
buy them.To start out have a Military convoy of MILITARY FRIGATES and MILITARY 
CORVETTES and capture the big Warships later on.

GRAND BAHAMA the DUTCH Viceroy town. If you have noticed the 2 Manufactured 
goods that GRAND BAHAMA produces are the exact opposite of SAN JUAN, Making 
them perfect partner cities. We must build a second convoy. Be sure to have a 
substantial buffer approximatly 1mil. With our second convoy we will load our 
ships with the extra supply's our WAREHOUSE is producing. That 8 MEAT and 8 RUM 
extra we produce every 16 days. As well as the 100 WOOD and 100 BRICK we are no 
longer utilizing. If we have any spare COTTON or HEMP we must load it as 
GRAND BAHAMA greatly demands them both for its production of CLOTHES and ROPE. 
SHIPS are unavalible 4 FLUTE SHIPS will do just fine) After 32 days we should 
have an extra 200 WOOD, 200 BRICK, 16 MEAT, 16 RUM and countless COTTON and 
HEMP. Load the ships of those 6 cargo items and we will set sail for 

When in GRAND BAHAMA visit the church and donate 500k that will automatically 
raise our trade record to 50% and visit the cities General and donate him all 
the money he will except. This should raise our trade record to around 60 to 
70%. Sell all the cargo we have regardless of the price. This will slowly but 
surely raise our trade record there. Do not ever let our funds drop below 500k. 
Continue loading extra cargo in SAN JUAN and selling it to GRAND BAHAMA until 
we are able to purchase a permit there.

Once we have attained a permit we will build a WAREHOUSE. Set the "BUY ITEMS" 
settings to be as follows: 100 WHEAT at <96, 100 PRODUCE at <96, 100 CLOTHES at 
<360, 100 ROPE at <360, 60 WINE at <600, 60 SPICES at <600, and 
60 TOOLS at <600.

We will now develop our 2ND trade route. Our 2ND Captain should by now after 
all the trading between SAN JUAN and GRAND BAHAMA have enough experience to 
have his own trade route. Set you trade route as follows:

GRAND BAHAMA:  Unload: max everything          
                 Load: 100 WHEAT, 100 PRODUCE, 100 CLOTHES, 100 ROPE, 60 WINE, 
                       60 SPICES, and 60 TOOLS.

CAT ISLAND:    Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CLOTHES at >400, max ROPE at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, and
                       max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max LYE at <190.
        If neccessary: max CORN at <125 and max SUGAR at <125.

ANDROSS:       Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CORN at >150,  max SUGAR at >150, 
                       max CLOTHES at >400, max ROPE at >400, 
                       max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, and 
                       max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max HEMP at <125 and max COTTON at <125.
        If neccessary: max LYE at <190.

NASSAU:        Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CORN at >150, max SUGAR at >150, max HEMP at >150, 
                       max COTTON at 150, max CLOTHES at >400, 
                       max ROPE at >400, max WINE at >700, max SPICES at >700, 
                       and max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max PRODUCE at <96, max CORN at <125, and
                       max SUGAR at <125.

TAMPA:         Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CORN at >150, max SUGAR at >150, 
                       max HEMP at >150, max COTTON at 150,
                       max CLOTHES at >400, max ROPE at >400, max WINE at >700, 
                       max SPICES at >700, and max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max COTTON at <125 and max COFFEE at <190.

GIBARA:        Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CORN at >150, max SUGAR at >150, max HEMP at >150, 
                       max COTTON at 150, max CLOTHES at >400, 
                       max ROPE at >400, max WINE at >700, max COFFEE at >200, 
                       max SPICES at >700, and max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max HEMP at <125, and max COTTON at <190,
                       max TOBACCO at <190.

NASSAU:        Unload: max WHEAT at >100, max PRODUCE at >100, 
                       max CORN at >150, max SUGAR at >150, max HEMP at >150,
                       max COTTON at 150, max CLOTHES at >400, 
                       max ROPE at >400, max WINE at >700, max COFFEE at >200, 
                       max SPICES at >700, and max TOOLS at >750.
                 Load: max PRODUCE at <96, max CORN at <125, and 
                       max SUGAR at <125.

This trade route will take 14 days to complete. This trade route as well as the 
other trade route should generate enough money to fund a small military navy to 
quelch pesky pirates. By now we should have high enough of rank to hold at 
least 6 permits. as of now we have 4: SAN JUAN, SANTO DOMINGO, ANTIGUA, and 
GRAND BAHAMA. We will be buying 2 more: TAMPA and ANDROSS.

Before we can get into those towns we must build up our Viceroy town. before 
commiting your 2ND convoy to the trade route be sure to transport 400 of each 
ROPE MAKERS. As well as 4 HOUSES for them to live. Repeat this until you have 
10 of each TEXTILES MILLS and ROPE MAKERS. Build Also 4 WHEAT FARMS and 4 
PRODUCE ORCHARDS. Also be sure again to have enough HOUSES and possibly a 2ND 
WAREHOUSE. Our daily production will then be:
10 WHEAT, 10 PRODUCE, 10 CLOTHES, and 10 ROPE.

Per trade route evalution:
140 WHEAT, 140 PRODUCE, 140 CLOTHES, and 140 ROPE.

We may now stop buying WHEAT, PRODUCE, CLOTHES, and ROPE at our WAREHOUSE.
Set our WAREHOUSES accordingly as to not be overfilling with to many of a 
certain kind of good. Let us move on to our next town, TAMPA. 

                IV.VII.I.  TAMPA:

After about 10 to 20 times around and TAMPA should give you a 100% trade 
record.Lets Buy a permit. We now face a small Problem. We have no suitable 
towns in this area to produce both WOOD and BRICK. Lets buy a FLUTE SHIP just 
to transport us some WOOD and BRICK from SAN JUAN. After about 3 trips we 
should have 300 of each WOOD and BRICK in our WAREHOUSE in TAMPA. LETS BUILD 
HOUSES. We will produce the following each day in TAMPA:

Per trade route evalution:
56 COTTON, 56 COFFEE, and 28 CORN.

Keep in mind COFFEE requires TOOLS to produce so lets drop off 6 TOOLS in our 
WAREHOUSE every time around. By now you have got the hang of trading and 
business. Lets do our last town ANDROSS.

                IV.VII.II. ANDROSS:

After about 10 to 20 times around and ANDROSS should give you a 100% trade 
record. Lets Buy a permit. Have your FLUTE SHIP fill up our WAREHOUSE with 300 
of each WOOD and BRICK. Lets build 2 HEMP PLANTATIONS, 2 LYE FARMS, and 1 
COTTON PLANTATION. As well as 5 HOUSES. We will produce the following each day 
4 HEMP, 4 LYE, and 2 COTTON.

Per trade route evalution:
56 HEMP, 56 LYE and 28 COTTON.

Keep in mind LYE requires TOOLS to produce so lets drop off 6 TOOLS in our 
WAREHOUSE every time around. Ok your on your own now, Good Luck Trading.

        IV.VIII. WAR!!!:

When it comes to war and picking a side remember this SPAIN is a huge target 
and there is almost always a country at war with SPAIN. Also when it comes to 
capturing towns SPAIN has the easiest targets. 

Before engaging in any acts of war against powerful nations get rid of all the 
pesky pirates. If you have ignored them until after you have established 
yourself they may be rather powerful. It is still best to get rid of them as 
soon as there hide out is discovered. Do not bother with sinking all there 
ships as there will always be 5 pirates somewhere in the Carribean regardless 
of how many you take over. 

When you have got rid of all the pesky pirates find a country who is in a war 
with SPAIN and visit there Governor. The best way to defeat SPAIN'S military 
convoys is dependet upon which country there at war with if it FRANCE your best 
bet is prey on all ship thats sail just east of FLORIDA KEYS. If it is HOLLAND 
or ENGLAND then prey on ships in the straight just west of TORTUGA. 

When you have weakened the SPAINISH navy you should speak to all the countries 
at war with SPAIN'S Viceroy's they will task you with capturing a SPAINISH town 
for there nation to inhabit. If capturing a city for FRANCE start with CORPUS 
CHRISTI and work your way south. If capturing a city for HOLLAND start by 
taking over CUBA and then go south. Finally If capturing a city for ENGLAND 
start with GEORGETOWN and work your way west along upper SOUTH AMERICA.

Every 2 cities you capture for a specific Viceroy will get you 25% in a town 
over your own where no one else but you can build. You also get a WAREHOUSE 
able to hold up to 38k of any good. 

        IV.IX.   YOUR TOWN:

You get to choose from 5 possible locations for you town, usually you have a 
wide variety of choices from Savanna, Georgia to Petit Trou, Haiti. When you do 
in fact get a city of your own it would be wise to revovle your entire trade 
ecomony around that one city. You will make all the profit and get to set the 
price for all goods in your town.


I made this for everybody to enjoy I do not mind if anybody copies this entire 
thing word for word. I just ask you dont change it in anyway or try to say its 
yours. If you would like to put it in your website or just send me and E-mail 
and I of course will let you.


I thank you all very much for checking out my review.
thank you GAMEFAQS you are the best site invovled in gaming.

MY EMAIL is nichaag@hotmail.com mail me anytime I check it everyday.

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