Lettuce Room Escape

Lettuce Room Escape


Door Screen
* Go Right. 
* Love Seat Screen
* Take Lettuce (1) from second shelf of cupboard.
* Look under cupboard. Take Blue Key. 
* Go Back.
* Look under the center of the love seat. 
* Take Stick. Go Back.
* Look at book on right side of the screen. 
* Note shape patterns. 
* Go Back.
* Go Right. 

Safe Screen
* Take Lettuce (2) from front of the screen.
* Take Cup from top shelf of bureau.
* Look behind row of safes by clicking just right of the safes where the 
  floor meets the wall. 
* Take Lettuce (3). 
* Go Back.
* Use Blue Key on blue keyhole on the row of safes. 
* Take Hammer. 
* Go Back.
* Click on the panel above the row of safes to see a red dot.
* Go Left. 

Love Seat Screen
* Click on right edge of screen about half-way up the wall (no idea where the 
  clue is to know to do this) to zoom in on sink. 
* Use Cup on sink to obtain water.
* Go Right. 
* Safe Screen
* Use Cup on large black smudge on wall above row of safes to view the word OPEN.
* Go Right. 

Clock Screen
* Take Lettuce (4) from the left side of the screen.
* Look behind cabinets by clicking just left of the cabinets where the floor meets
  the wall. 
* Take Red Key. 
* Go Back.
* Click on black box on top of the bench. 
* Solve the tile puzzle by arranging the tiles to spell the word OPEN as you saw on 
  the wall of the Safe Screen. 
* Click on the front of the box to open the box. 
* Take the Yellow Key. 
* Go Back.
* Click on the clock to zoom in. 
* Note that a red hand on the clock moves from 12 to 3 (90 degrees clockwise). 
* Go Back.
* Remember the shapes from the book on the Love Seat Screen. 
* The shapes sort-of resemble an upside-down view of the wall of this screen. 
* There’s a small black square above and slightly right of the circle representing
  the clock.
* Use the Hammer on a wall square below and slightly left of the clock to reveal a 
* Click on the panel to see a yellow dot.
* Click on the clock to zoom in. 
* Note that a yellow hand on the clock moves from 12 to 9 to 6 (180 degrees). 
* Go Back.
* Go Left. 

Safe Screen
* Use Yellow Key on yellow keyhole on the row of safes. 
* Take Lettuce (5). 
* Take Remote Controller. 
* Go Back.
* Use Red key on red keyhole on the row of safes. 
* Take Screwdriver. 
* Go Back.
* Go Left. 

Love Seat Screen
* Look behind the love seat by clicking just left of the love seat where the 
  loor meets the wall. 
* Use the Screwdriver on the plate. 
* Press the button on the revealed panel to see a green dot. 
* Go Back.
* Go Left twice. 

Clock Screen
* Click on the clock to zoom in. 
  Note that a green hand on the clock moves from 12 to 3 to 6 (180 degrees). 
* Go Back.
* Go Right.

Door Screen
* Use the Stick to click on the panel on the top left of the screen to see a blue dot.
* Go Left. 

Clock Screen
* Click on the clock to zoom in. 
* Note that a blue hand on the clock moves from 12 to 9 (90 degrees counter-clockwise). 
* Go Back.
* Go Left. 

Safe Screen
* Click on the television in the bureau to zoom in. 
* Use the Remote Control on the screen to make a set of colored lines appear.
* Remember how the colored clock hands moved. 
* You need to manipulate (in your mind, on paper, maybe with a drawing program) 
  the hands on this image in a similar manner.

There’s a trick to it, though. Only the hands attached to a grey line are fixed. If a 
hand is only attached to a colored line, it moves with the end of the colored hand it’s
attached to. So, in the first image, rotate the red hand 90 degrees clockwise, then the 
green hand 180 degrees and the blue hand 90 degrees counter-clockwise. The yellow hand 
pivot moves with the blue hand. Then rotate the yellow hand 180 degrees. You’ve formed 
the number 6, with the yellow hand end joining the green hand end. Do this for the three
remaining shapes, and you have a four-digit combination (the third figure is ambiguous, 
but you can assume a rule that a hand may only be connected to one other hand, so the 
second red hand rotates with the first red hand). 

The combination is 6395. 
Go Left twice. 

Door Screen
* Click on the gray rectangle on the door to view the combination. 
  Enter the combination from the clock hands to turn the red dot yellow. 
  Go Back.
* Click on the door handle to exit the room and eat Salada.

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