F.IN The Next Day

F.IN The Next Day

Right at the start, you'll see a yellow surface, it is the top of a 
counter. Click on it and you get a view of its content. Go left, 
click on the left door to get it open, click on the left cake. 
Click again, there's a photo inside. Take it. Zoom out of the counter,
go to the chest of drawers and click on the third drawer, there's 
something there, click on it.

When you are at the chest drawer view, you'll see at the upper right 
kind of a blue corner of a square. Click on it, it's a hint. Zoom out
to full room view, go to your left until you see the black door and 
the counter. Notice there's a white chair behind the counter (you can
actually see a little piece of it). Click on it. Click on the window 
door. When you get a zoom of it, go to the right. Click on the boxes,
you'll find a card inside one of them. Inside the card, there's a red

Go back to the view of the chair and the christmas tree. Click on the 
chair and it will flip over. take the red key and use it to get the 
ball in a stiing. take the yellow face on the christmas tree. Zoom out.
Click on the window door and right again, put the ball on a string on 
the cat, it turns yellow, then, when you zoom out, you'll find a brush
on the floor. Get it. Now, from your inventory, take the white thing 
you found in the drawer, and combine it with the yellow face. You'll 
get a snowman.

Go to the cash register, click on its plug, and then click on the 
snowman, and in the plug again. You'll get the cash register on. Now
enter FACE and then 4 1996, pushing the lower right button each time
and you'll get a black key. Open the black door and go to the second
room. There are shelves in front of you. Click on them, and then in 
the white bags, click on the brown bag, and in that same view at your
left, you'll see a red letter. Click on it. There are slidingpanels, 
and you'll get the word "catyokochair".

The cat 's painting has 2 foot prints, Yoko's photo has 8 footprints,
and the chair leaves on the floor three footprints. So now you got 
the code 283. Zoom out to full room view and go left. Click on the 
knives. You'll get scissors. Now, on your inventory, combine the 
wheat flour bag with the scissors and you'll get a little safe. 
Enter the code 283. You've got now a green key. Open the back door.
Go to the front. Take the broom away from the window door, and go 

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