Earl Bobby is looking for his Balls Tee 1: ------ -Take the tee sign Take the plastic tee Take the tee markers. -Open the golf bag. -Take the red flower. Close-Up golf bag: ------------------ -Take the key. -Take the other tees. -Leave the screen. Fairway: -------- -Talk with the Greenkeeper. -You can ask him about the following topics: -BALL -CIGARETTE -WORK -LAKE -HAIR -BARKEEPER -LAWNMOWER -BEES -BRANCH -GOLF Leave with "No" Fairway: -------- -Wait until the Greenkeeper bends over. -Kick his balls with the iron seven in your inventory. -Look at the lawnmower. Lawnmower close-up: ------------------- -Take the wire. -Take the Cigarettes. -Leave the screen. Fairway: -------- -Take the reed halm from the lake Take the water lily from the lake. Clubhouse: ---------- -Take the blue flowers in front of the club house. -Combine all flowers to make a bunch of flowers. -Talk with the barkeeper. The following topics are possible: Words marked with a + are necessary to conclude the game. +TOKEN +BEER -WINE -MARTINI -CAMPARI -WODKA -BAILEYS -TEQUILA -BOOZE -GOLFPLAYER -CAKE -NEWS -WOODY -COFFEE -LULA -MARY -MUCKI -GREENKEEPER -BALL -BIRD -BILL -NAME -WORK -GGC -DRINK Exit the dialogue with "No". Take the sugar sprinkler. Toilet: ------- -Take the toilet bug. -Open the cupboard. -Take the plumbing device. -Take the toilet chain. Terrace: -------- -Use the parasol. -Take the yellow foil. -Use the token with the telescope base. -Take the telescope. Driving Range: -------------- -Look at the ball dispenser. -Take a basket. Use the basket on the ball dispenser. -Use the token on the coin slot. -Take the balls. -Take another basket. -Leave the ball machine screen. -Use the balls with the ball mats. -Use the iron seven with the balls. -Make a perfect swing to confront with woody. (You have to click in the right moment). -Talk with Bimbo. Possible topics: ---------------- -WOODY -GOLF -LULA -WORK -BIMBO -SLAVE -AFRICA -MARY -SWING -GOLFBAG -Exit the dialog with "bye" or similar. -When woody looks after his golf ball grab a ball from his golf bag. Lawnmower Close-up: ------------------- -use the chain with the knife. -Press the button. -Take the metal filings. -Take the Knife. Ball Cleaner: ------------- -use the filings with the ball cleaner. -Use woodies ball with the ball cleaner. -Watch the cut scene. Clubhouse: ---------- -Get another token from the barkeeper. -Take some matches from the desk. -Push the silver plate with the iron seven. Parking Lot: ------------ -Use the Key on the trunk of your car. -Open trunk. -Look at the trunk. -Take jewels. -Leave the screen. -Use the knife on the tire of woodies car. -Open the hub of the white car. -Look at the battery. -use the toke to unscrew the screws. -Take the battery. Near the beehive: ----------------- -Use the matches to lit a cigarette. -Use the cigarette with the beehive. Joint Trip: ----------- -Push the gigantic match. -Grab the butterflies to fly over the gap. -Push the match again. -You have to lit the match with the fire on top. -It's a question of timing. - Push the match as long as you get lit it. -Move near the water lilies to swim to the other isle. -Push the gigantic joint. Use the water lilies again. -Push the lit joint. -Swim to the third isle. -Blow the joint by using the talk icon to kill the bee. -Climb the tree. Near the beehive: ----------------- -Use the blog brush with the bee hive. -use the sugar sprenkler with the bee hive. Fairway: -------- -Use the reed on the lake. Under the lake: --------------- -Take the algae. -Use the golf club on the Nessie to get past it. -Open the lid of the rocket. -Take the plutonium stick. -Use the wire on the rocket. -Get back past the Nessie and leave the lake. Fairway: -------- -use the battery with the wires on the lake. -use the plutonium with the molehill. -Leave the screen and reenter the fairway. -use the yellow foil with the molehill. -use the tees on the foil to fix it. -Use the telescope with the largest mountain in the background. Tree: ----- -Use the honey on the soft ground. -use the knife on the branch. Bushes: ------- -Take the branch. -Use the elastic rubber piece with the branch. -Use the jewels with the sling. Driving Range: -------------- -Look at the window. -Use the empty ball basket with the window. -Climb on the basket. -Use the sling on the silver plate. Clubhouse: ---------- -Talk to Lula. Possible topics: ---------------- -WOODY -AUNT -CAKE -BOYFRIEND -FLOWERS -GGC -AGE -SCHOOL -JEWELS -BOBBY -Give the flowers to Lula. -She will follow you. -Bring her to the bushes and talk with her. Terrace: -------- -Talk to Mucki. -He wants something to drink. -Give him the beer. -Talk top him again. Possible topics: ---------------- -BEER -WORK +GOLF -WOODY +BASEBALL -Give the branch to Mucki. -He will follow you. -Bring him next to the beehive and talk to him. Parking lot: ------------ -Take more jewels from your trunk. Driving range: -------------- -Put the metal ball in Woodies bag when he doesn't look at it. -Give the jewels to woody. Tee 1: ------ -Make a perfect swing. Fairway: -------- -Make a perfect swing and win the tournament. -Get the super club on the green. -Take the foil off the molehill. Mountain Side: -------------- -Use the algae on the plumbing device. -Use the prepared plumbing device with the blog brush. -use the equipment with the mountain. Mountains: ---------- -Use the algae with the yellow foil. -use the balloon with the crater. -Hit all birdies with the iron seven. -Fly to the other end. Bird's net: ----------- -Hit the bird with the iron seven. -Hit the ball with the super club. -Enjoy the ending!