D’s Hide-and-Seek

D's Hide-and-Seek

- Click on the tree to the right of the fireplace to zoom in.
- Click the top part of the tree to move it & reveal the Yellow Creature.
- Click the left side of fireplace to zoom in, get the Black Creature from behind 
- Go left, click on the toy train to zoom in, get the Magenta Creature from inside
  the middle train car.
- Go left, examine alarm clock. Note what color the hand turns into at each postion 
  after pushing the button on its top. Also note what face is displayed behind it at
  each number position.
- Click on the flower pot to zoom in, this is the 1st time seeing Green creature, 
  click on it scare it away.
- Click flower pot to move it up, then yellow tray twice to flip it over, get the 
  Red Footprint from underneath.
- Go left twice to the bed, click center bottom of blanket’s edge to find the Blue 
- Click the bottom right hand corner of the curtains to open them, then click the 
  center of the window to open it.
- Click the bottom sill of window to look outside at flower pots, find the Red  
  Creature hiding in red flowers (in the upper part of them).
- Go back to fireplace, click left side again (where the Black Creature was) to 
  find the Green Creature there and scare it off again.
- Use the Black Creature TWICE on the “X” drawn on the brick on the fireplace and
  get the Black Footprint.
- Zoom out, use Red Creature on the logs in the fireplace to light it, then the 
  Blue Creature on the fire to put it out, then get the Magenta Footprint.
- Go to the TV and zoom in on it, find Green Creature, and scare it off again.
- Use the Yellow Creature on the TV screen to reveal a code: cyan, red, purple, 
- Match the colors with numbers from the matching clock arm positions on the alarm 
  clock (6287) & enter code into the box under the TV. Get the Cyan Footprint from 
  inside the box.
- Go back to the bed and click on the top center of it to look in the space between 
  the wall and the bed. Find the Green Creature and scare it off again. Get the 
  Yellow Footprint from the wall here (it must be painting them!).
- Go back to the sandbox (where the toy train is) and zoom in on the tiny swings. 
  Find the Green Creature and scare it off. Get the Green Footprint from behind 
  the grass bunch on the top left side.
- Go back to the room with the table and zoom in underneath it, scare the Green 
  Creature who knocks himself out (heh) and get it (finally).
- Put each creature on its matching pedestal (in any order) in the room with the
  table, then click the drawer underneath to open it and take the Rainbow Creature
  Key. You can leave the creatures there or take them with you (I bring them along
  for the ride).
- Use the Rainbow key on the locked door and go through.
- Zoom in on the panel to the left of the next locked door.
- Put the Footprints in the slots (in any order) that match their colors.
- The letters “caEpse” will appear; anagrammed this is “Escape”.
- Match the color of each letter in order to spell “Escape”, you get: cyan, yellow,
  red, green, magenta, black. Press the face for each color that showed up when that
  color showed on the alarm clock - if you forget, go back to the alarm clock and 
  look again.
- Diagram of what faces to press: (each O is a face)
- The panel will read “UNLOCKED!”, open the door and you’re OUT.

Alternative ending after putting the Escape password in with the faces go back into 
the house and look at the fireplace

hint: look at the colour of the numbers
hint: white 4 : 1=w 2= h 3= i
solution: train colours… Blue Red Green Yellow = BRGY back up and a ladder will descend 
climb up and take a hot air balloon ride.

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