Arcane Season 1 – The Miller Estate Episode 1

Arcane Season 1 - The Miller Estate Episode 1


1. Click on the cellar doors close to the left path.
2. Click on the matches on your inventory. Prescott will light a match.
3. Click on the lantern on the floor on the left side of the trunk. 
   This will let you see more in the room.
4. Click on the yellow raincoat. It will fall to reveal a hook. 
   Click on the hook to take it.
5. Go out of the cellar and go to the well. Someone will jump out and 
   talk to you hysterically.
6. While looking down, click on the up arrow and Prescott will turn 
   the wheel to get to the end of the rope.
7. Click on the hook and then on the end of the rope. Prescott will 
   attach the hook and will lower the rope/hook down to get a bucket 
   with a torn piece of paper.
8. Click on the down arrow and Prescott will go back to the cellar.
9. Get the key on the firewood crate on your left. Click on the key and 
   click on the trunk. You will find it is empty. Go back out to the 
   main screen.
10. Click on the rug underneath the trunk. This will reveal a trapdoor. 
    Prescott will go down.
11. Click on the down arrow to go forward. Prescott will be facing a 
    wine rack.
12. Click on the top left barrel. Prescott will find it is empty, 
    too, and find it strange.
13. Click on the bottles on the right side of the wine rack. 
    Prescott will pick up one of the bottles. Note the number 7 on it.
    Go back out to the main screen.
14. Click on the wine rack and put bottles on all holes under VII. 
    This will open the top left barrel and reveal a secret entrance.
    Prescott will go in and find the Elder Star symbol.

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