Robin Hood - The Legend of Sherwood Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 Update by: bijesh Update by: Parvez Alam /pervez@gononet.com Cheats: ------- In the gameplay make sure any one of your characters is standing and point your mouse towards the kneeling icon. Press [F11] and you will get the console. Type the following codes for their corresponding effects: Code Result -------------------------------------- GOODLUCK - Add cloverleafs to the campaign CASH - Gives more money BINGO - Gives all your character 999 ammo IMMUNITY - Gives your characters invulnerablity MERRYMAN - Gives you one extra merry man TIMELESS - Stops time PAM - Makes all enemies stupid in close combat UNBLIP - See all characters on the map WINNER - Win the mission. NUKE - Kills all opponents. HADES - Kills selected enemy. PAM - Makes all enemies ineffective in melee combat. HIGHLANDER 2 - Makes all enemies invincible. HIGHLANDER - Makes all party characters invincible. GOLDENEYE - Makes all party characters invisible. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Yasir Wahab After second mission you will be in sheerwood. There one old soldier who willnot take part in mission. If you will left robin there pr you trained robin by him, then Robin can fight more strongly, when all the his sword blanks are fill. In fight with enemies, first try to attack on the archeries because the shoot from distance. Try to take less Meery man on mission. If you left dudley in sheerwood, then there more things produced. Fight against enemies: ---------------------- Submitted by: Yasir Wahab If you are fighting and all ther soldiers attack from every side, then if you attack in circle, the will die soon and fighting against the knight, you must attack or fight with him by Will scarelet. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Danny When you are in the mission to meet ranulph and you cannot make the soldiers dead then you should use Little john. Easy Way to Rob Carrigis: ------------------------- Before you leave to do the mission you should have lots of arrows; you could have your merry men make them or you could use the cheat. TO perform the cheat, first press [F11] to bring down the cheat page and type 'bingo' (without quotes). Use those arrows to shoot the targets. NOTE: one of your men have to be standing and put the mouse over kneel symbol.