Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: ankush mahajan Hint: ----- During fights dont stay just keep moving and remember blocking! Also u can use daggar to freeze enemies but dont slash them yet! After half of their life is gone hack n slash him and get the sands u lost back! Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Petar Start the game using parammeter megahit x ( x is a number betveen 2 and 14). That`s how you will activate the cheats. Keys you may use to cheat while playing- U (switch to a platform above), N (switch to a platform below), H (switch to the left platform), J (switch to the right platform), K (kills all opponent players). Warning- cheats may not work in some versions of the game. Hint: ----- Submitted by: GHAZI ( ZERO X ) Its Not Really a cheat but it must help you in the last fight with "VIZIER"!!! He will say spells that will make you fight three "VIZIERS" So with first one you can jump on him and strike him but you cant do that with the second or third one so two words will let you kill him : BLOCK and STRIKE BLOCK and STRIKE BLOCK and STRIKE and you can easly defeat him. Enjoy the victory! The Magical Room (After Hour Glass): ------------------------------------ Submitted by: Ghazi Makki (Zerox) This is not really a cheat but its a walk through. When u reach the hour glass and coming to end this story the "VIZIER" will throw u and Farrah away and after some chating with Farrah in the dark and after some walking you will reach a room that have many doors Allow me to explain. The doors magically lead back to the entrance. Only one door is correct; keep going through the correct door to get to the next level. You have to enter those doors in order to reach Farrah its too hard by the way because theres nothing will make u know the order of entering the doors so heres the right order: 1.Forth door from the left of the entrance. 2.First door from the left of the entrance. 3.Third door from the right of the entrance. 4.First door from the right of the entrance. Second floor: ------------ 1.Sixth door from the left of the entrance. 2.First door from the left of the entrance. 3.fifth door from the right of the entrance. Here, a cutscene ensues - you see Farah bathing, and invites Prince to join her. Prince takes off his sword and dagger; and joins her in the bath. And enough! I want tell u any more discover it yourself. Any question E-mail me g-m@shuf.com Ghazi Makki (Zerox) Original Prince of Persia level: -------------------------------- Submitted by: AiMeR You can play the level from the original Prince of Persia game. All you have to do is: When you start a new game you begin on a balcony DON'T go in, then hold "x" and press "space",left mouse, "e","c","e","space",left mouse, "C". Hints: ------ Submitted By:-Subhadeep Datta, Nimai Behera, and Chinmoy Palit. There is many combination in the game. In between those there is a combination of "AXCEL" to activate the defence system. If you follow the following rules then the combination will done very easily. To activate defence system:- After completing 10% of the game (save-"A Secret Passage") you have to do a combination of "Defence System". To do this combination you just have to follow the following steps. After entering into the chamber you will see that there is four "axcel", which you have to move in correct order. First select the first "axcel", which is just in the left of the combination map. Just select that "axcel" by stepping into the lightning portion in front of that"axcel".And then go to the two levers (one is up down lever and another is rotating lever)and control them by following steps 1. Move rotating lever clockwise for one time. 2. Move up down lever clockwise for one time. 3. Move rotating lever anticlockwise for three times. 4. Move up down lever anticlockwise for one time. 5. Select the second "axcel" 6. Move up down lever clockwise for one time. 7. Move rotating lever clockwise for two times. 8. Move up down lever clockwise for two times. 9. Select the third "axcel". 10. Move rotating lever clockwise for one time. 11. Move up down lever anticlockwise for one time. 12. Select fourth "axcel". 13. Move up down lever clockwise for one time. 14. Move rotating lever anticlockwise for one time. 15. Move up down lever clockwise for one time. And now you will finish the combination and enjoy the game. If want the other combination to be done for you, then contact with us in this email address "pop_gamers@rediffmail.com" Hints: ------ Submitted By:-Subhadeep Datta, Nimai Behera, and Chinmoy Palit. In the game Prince of Persia -"Sands of Time", there is nine life upgrade which will take you to the secret ending, fight with three Beziers at a time. The life upgrades located at:- 1.After completing 7 %( the save -"had I really seen her?") You will cross a big stone wall by using a bar, and then you will find two ways to go. After crossing the wall you will see a hole in the wall in your left side and another is under ground way. Enter through the wall hole and that is the way to the life upgrade. There is no such trap and a simple way to the life upgrade. 2.After completing 14 %( the save -"A booby trapped courtyard") going to the upstairs you will find a ladder avoiding the spike trap. After climbing onto it you will find a sand tank. The original way is the left side of the sand tank. But the way to the life upgrade is its opposite side. There you will find a spike trap and just upper side of the wall there is a hole in the wall. Just walk into the hole and go a little bit you will find the second life upgrade. 3.After you completing 21 %( the save-"Climbing the tower") you will see stone just beside the save point. You have to go to the pick to the tower by holding some bars. After you will reach to the pick to the tower you will see a ladder. Don't climb onto it. After crossing it you will see a spike wheel trap on the wall. Just avoid the trap and go to the next platform. You will see a door. Just go trough it and you will get the third life upgrade. 4.After completing 33 %( the save -"above the bath") you will get a sword that can break the wall. After getting that sword you have to come back in that way in which you have gone, via breaking the wooden wall. When you will get down through the staircase you will find a cracked wall on you right side. After breaking that wall go through it and get the fourth life upgrade. 5.After completing 52 %( the save-"I will meet you at the baths") you will find two sand tanks. One is downstairs and another is in upstairs. After getting the sand tank of the upstairs you will get a pulling lever which will activate a ladder and open a door. After going through that door you have to activate a switch that open a door to underground cave. Facing towards the door, when you on that switch, you will find a cracked wall on your right side just behind of two drums. Brake that door and go trough it, you will find the fifth life upgrade. 6.After completing 60 %( the save-"An underground reservoir) you have to get out from the reservoir holding a rope via well. When you climbing to the exact rope to get out you will find an open door. Just get into it and avoid some trap to go to a cracked wall on the upper stair. Break the wall and get into it. You will find the sixth life upgrade. 7.After completing 69 %( the save-"The hall of learning") you have to make a combination light with mirrors in three floors. There is one mirror that reflects lights from second floor to first floor. Behind that mirror there is a cracked wall, which is the way to the seventh life upgrade. 8.After completing 81 %( the save-"At last we are here") you have to fight with some crow monster. After defeating them you have to go through a small passage. While you going through it to go to the big lift, you will find a cracked wall. After breaking that wall, you will find the eighth life upgrade. 9.After completing 90% (the save-"Farah come back") there is two way to go. The original is the upper way. But if you go wrong and go to the downstairs by the way of just right side of the save point. Going through that way you will enter into a room and there is a cracked wall. That is the way to the ninth life upgrade. If you get any problem during the game or want the save profile of any version of Prince of Persia then contact to us in this email address pop_gamers@rediffmail.com Defeating the soldiers at the mess hall: ---------------------------------------- Kill all of the first eight soldiers. Take their Sands except for the last one. Leave him on the floor. While he is down, run to the fountain and drink to get your health up. He will come back to life. Kill him again and drink more water before taking his Sand. Do this until you have full health, then take his Sand. You should now have enough health do defeat the next seven soldiers without dying. Easy fights: ------------ Use the dagger to stab the enemy so that he becomes frozen. Then, hit him once with your sword so that he floats in the air. When he lands, he will be lying on the ground. Stab him with the dagger to take his sand. Retrieving sand in-combat: -------------------------- Vault over an enemy or rebound over their heads. Then, as you are over them, click [Attack] then immediately press [Retrieve]. This will slash the creature and immediately afterwards retrieve its sand while it is stunned. Note: This works best on the creatures that cannot block a vault-attack. Farah's attitude: ----------------- When near Princess Farah, switch to first person view and look at her for a long time. At the beginning of the game, she will soon tell you to stop staring at her. Later in the game, she will tell you that your eyes are green and you can look at her if you want. Defeating sand monsters: ------------------------ Do a vault on any sand monster (or rebound over their head). Press [Retrieve] then [Attack] to destroy it. Defeating blue monsters: ------------------------ There is a way to kill blue colored monsters in two moves ( works for both blue and red). Do an off the wall stab (press [Jump] + [Towards Wall] + [Attack]). The monster will get knocked over, and you can do a retrieve to destroy it. Hint: ----- Submitted by: CODE MASTER It is just a hint how to kill viser. Take each and every sandcloud possible. In the end you shall have more powertank than sandtank. Kill the first image. Use slomotion power to kill second image but until number of filled sandtank = the number of filled powertank. Now for the 3rd one hold BLOCK and press the R key. you can easily finish him. Hope this will help you. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Harpreet singh Hint to cross magical room having many doors wich you get to after you reach the hourglass and vizier throws you and farah This is not really a cheat but its a walk through. When u reach the hour glass and coming to end this story the "VIZIER" will throw u and Farrah away and after some chating with Farrah in the dark and after some walking you will reach a room that have many doors Allow me to explain. The doors magically lead back to the entrance. Only one door is correct; keep going through the correct door to get to the next level. You have to enter those doors in order to reach Farrah its too hard by the way because there's nothing will make u know the order of entering the doors so here's the right order: All the doors sequence are taken from left side of prince 4 from entrance 7 from entrance 3 from entrance 1 from entrance second floor 4 from entrance 9 from entrance 5 from entrance Note: All the doors are in sequence from left of entrance. How to select apt room in the ROOM of THE MAJIC doors: ------------------------------------------------------ Submitted by: Y.Nishanth Reddy(Brisingr) Email: Brisingr.Y@gmail.com This is actally not a cheat but a tip.When the Vizier throughs Farah and Prince after reaching the hour glass,they fall in the room of tombs (in the underground).There on chanting a word KAKALOOKIA a tomb opens and the prince jumps into the opening(All this is part of the movie). From there you get down through a spiral staircase and will enter the room of majical doors. When you enter a wrong door yuou teleported to the entrance again.What you need to do here is, When you are strolling in front of the doors you will be hearing farah speaking.""""_______You can detect the right door this way.You will hear some WATER RIPPLING sounds(as if some one is bathing) when u are standing in front of the CORRECT door.__________""""""On you will have to totally enter 5 doors(3 in the ground floor and 2 in the 1st floor).Then u will find Farah taking bath and invites the Prince to join her. Killer tricks: -------------- Submitted by: tanay joshi 1.Walk togle enemy and press left click and qiuckly press e. 2.Walk toggle to enemy when he strike the sword qiuckly press right click and when his attack ends press e,e. 3.when your all powers of dagger will be full press right click and press r. i hope you like this killer tricks. Tomb doors puzzle: ------------------ When you are almost at the end of the game, you will be trapped in a room with a lot of doors. Every time you go in one, you end up back where you started. An easy way to find the correct doors is to run by the doors until you hear a splash of water. As soon as you do, stop and go into the door. Repeat this three more times and you will be at the second set of doors. Do the same thing four times and you will pass the level. Easy fights: ------------ When you are in a battle surrounded by two or more enemies, try to hit one enemy one or two times, then face towards another enemy and hit him or her a few of times before you begin hitting the next one. Especially do this when you see one of them trying to attack you. You can also defend yourself if desired. This is most useful when you are surrounded by enemies that you cannot vault over, like the blue monsters. Hints: ------ Submitted by: Parth Tomb doors puzzle Near the end of the game, you are in a tomb with infinite doors. You have to find the correct series of doors to progress. Go to the landscape view. Always start at the door with the face above it and go clockwise. The order is: 1. Fourth door from the entrance 2. Seventh door from the entrance 3. Third door from the entrance After you have successfully done this you will be taken to the second level of this room. It is almost the same, just with more doors. The order is: 1. Fourth door from the entrance 2. Ninth door from the entrance 3. Fifth door from the entrance An intermission sequence will then follow. In the circular room you find in the tomb, there are doors that you must enter in the correct order, or be teleported back to the start. One way to make sure you go through the correct door is to listen carefully. When you are in front of the next door that you need to enter, you will hear the sound of trickling water. This indicates that you are standing in front of the correct door. Repeat this until you have solved the maze. When you are almost at the end of the game, you will be trapped in a room with a lot of doors. Every time you go in one, you end up back where you started. An easy way to find the correct doors is to run by the doors until you hear a splash of water. As soon as you do, stop and go into the door. Repeat this three more times and you will be at the second set of doors. Do the same thing four times and you will pass the level. Daybreak: Avoid battles When the Prince and Farah attempt to cross the drawbridge you have lowered, many sand creatures will appear to battle you. Just run past them on the left and into the open doorway with the switch inside. They will not follow, and you wll not have to fight them. Defense system puzzle When entering the room with the defense system in it, follow these steps to complete the puzzle. Step on the glowing "full moon" panel to retrieve the first axle. Approach the levers on the middle of the platform, and turn it on these steps: right, up, left three times, and up two times. Step on the glowing New Moon to retrieve it. Next, turn the levers up, right two times, and up two times. Then, step on the half moon panel to gain the third axle. A "quarter moon" insignia marks the last axle. Turn the levers right and down. Step on the quarter moon to receive the last axle. To bring the entire platform up, move the levers up, left and up. -=Courtyard: Magic Fountain=- After completing the trap corridor where you had to race to the slowly closing door, you will battle some Sand Monsters in the courtyard. After this has been successfully done, climb up the courtyard. When you are in the section where you have to climb up the ladder which appears above the spikes, continue until you find a Sand Cloud. Near the sand cloud is a hole in the wall. Climb up the rubble and run among the wall to grab on the ledge. Go through the hole to find yourself in a mystery area. Keep walking on the bridges until you reach a fountain. Drinking from this fountain will raise your life bar. -=Unlock Original Prince of Persia Room=- Start a new game and while on the balcony of Farah's room, hold X and press SPACEBAR, LEFT MOUSE BUTTON CLICK, E, C, E, SPACEBAR, LEFT MOUSE BUTTON CLICK, C. Note that these are the default controls for POP. -=A Prisoner Seeking An Escape: Hangman=- When you reach the bottom of the chamber in the A Prisoner Seeking An Escape level, kill all the sand creatures and then enter the cell to the left when looking at the save point. In the left corner of the cell is a little joke on the wall. Take a closer look in first person view at the drawings you find there. Obviously the prisoners where playing hangman here. -=Easy fights=- Use the dagger to stab the enemy so that he becomes frozen. Then, hit him once with your sword so that he floats in the air. When he lands, he will be lying on the ground. Stab him with the dagger to take his sand. -=Farah's attitude=- When near Princess Farah, switch to first person view and look at her for a long time. At the beginning of the game, she will soon tell you to stop staring at her. Later in the game, she will tell you that your eyes are green and you can look at her if you want. -=Life Lengthener=- Go to the checkpoint (sand vortex) that is named "The underground reservoir" Get through this area, and when you get to the rope that leads you out, don't climb out, there is a platform around the middle of the rope, swing there and press jump. You will find yourself in a series of traps. Go to the one in which spiked bars appear in the wall and when the bars retreats, wall run up and press jump. You will find yourself on a bar that stretches vertically, climb down the bar until you find a bar that stretches horizontally. Swing on it and jump. Do this again and again until you find yourself on another platform. Find a broken door, strike it three times and proceed. To get back, go the way you came and climb out of the reservoir. -=Hidden life Lengthener=- To get this, you must start out beside the checkpoint (sand vortex) that is named "Farah, come back". You start out on a platform. To your right, you see a small bit of railing missing. Run at it so that you are hanging on the space between the railings. Drop down and you will find various obstacles (ledges, beams, and a bar) Swing on the bar and press jump. You will be in a small room. On your left there is a broken door. Strike it with you great sword once and it will break, and then proceed. After you had full healing/life lengthened then run on the wall in front of the hole that you entered and press jump again. You will swing on a switch that opens a door above you. Keep on swinging and press jump again. You will be on another bar, keep on swinging and press jump again. Climb out of the door, and you will be back where you started. -=Baths: Magic Fountain=- After earning yourself the second sword which can break the walls, gain access to the secret corridor. Stop halfway through the corridor and on the right wall should be a wall with a crack that someone has hastily concealed. Break the wall to find another Magic Fountain. -=Hidden Conversation=- You must have Farah with you in order to try this.Once you look at her for the first time using the first person camera try to stare at her for about 5-10 seconds for her to stare at you. then for another 10-20 seconds she will ask you to stop staring at you.later in the game keep on trying this and you will learn how much Farah starts to love the Prince. -=The First 8 sand clouds=- Sand cloud #1:It is in the first guest room under the bottom of the stair. Sand cloud #2:It is out the guest room on top of rocks (you could hear it). Sand cloud #3:After your second vision go threw the hallway like your supposed to on the right there is a sand cloud. Sand cloud #4:After your first magic fountain trip (its in a hole in a wall) go down and you should see a big fat hole and on the other side of it there will be a sand cloud. Sand cloud #5:If your at the part were you talk to Farah for the first time then your on the right track. After that you will have a sand scarab problem. After that you go forward, you should see two exits/doors.There is a sand cloud in the one on the left if you search. Sand cloud #6,7&8:All three of these sand clouds are in one big room beside the other one that led you to the 5th sand cloud. Access first level of original Prince of Persia: ------------------------------------------------ Start a new game, but don't enter the chamber. Stay on the balcony and hold X while pressing space, mouse button 1, E, C, E, space, mouse button 1, C. This will take you to a version of the original Prince of Persia level 1, though without the castle guards. The level exit takes you to a hidden room with a picture of the game's creators. Infinite Upgrades: ------------------ In 'The Royal Chambers' you can purchase infinite upgrades. After defeating the first wave of enemies, get the Sarcaphogus nearby by performing the following steps: Go to the side of the room that has a vertical water spout. Freeze it with Flow and climb up. You'll notice two pressure switches on either side of you. Get enough height and jump to one and then jump off the wall back to the water column. Jump to the other and hit that one too. Return to the column and now jump into the newly opened door to find the Sarcophagus. You will probably get enough XP for one upgrade. Press 'TAB' and get any upgrade and then save your game. Now, find the exit and you'll come to another small room. This one has two water spouts and a waterfall. Freeze them with Flow and after you jump off the first spout, unfreeze everything so you go through the waterfall and can then land on the second spout once you freeze it all again. Now you will face Ratash. Do not run away. Instead, deliberately die. You will respawn back into the room. Now look in the top-right corner. You still have one more upgrade. Go buy something and save again -- you can repeat this as many times as you like. STORY ----- Submitted by: Aninda Das(IamGOD) E-mail: aaninda_das@yahoo.co.in Passing through India en route to Azad, King Shahraman and his son, the Prince, conquer the Maharajah of India for honor and glory. After looting the city, they continue to Azad. In Azad, the Vizier of the Maharajah tricks the Prince into releasing the Sands of Time, using the Dagger of Time. The Sands infect everyone in the kingdom, turning them into monsters. The Prince, Princess Farah (the Maharajah's daughter), and the Vizier remain unchanged due to the mystical qualities of their possessions: a dagger, a medallion, and a staff, respectively. On a journey to repair the damage he has caused, the Prince teams up with Farah to return the Sands of Time to the hourglass, using the Dagger of Time. As time goes on, the Prince and Farah start to grow closer, to the point where she admits her feelings to the Prince while he was unconscious. After they make their way to the Hourglass of Time, the Prince hesitates, and the Vizier uses magic to throw him and Farah into a tomb devoid of lights. Farah tells the Prince of the word "kakolookiyam" [From Hindu Sanskrit Fable Panchatantra: Kaka + Ulluka + Iyam: Meaning "Of Kak (Crow) and Ulluka (Owl)"], a word her mother taught her when she was little. The Prince awakens, and the Dagger and his weapon have been stolen by Farah, who left him with her medallion so that he would not be affected by the Sands of Time. The Prince pursues and catches her, but she falls to her death. Driven by grief, the Prince stabs the top of the hourglass with the Dagger of Time, locking the Sands of Time back into the hourglass, reversing the events of the game. The Prince awakens prior to the invasion of the Maharajah's kingdom, and makes his way to Farah's bedroom. He tells her a story about the events of the game, as she does not remember, but the Vizier shows up, and fights the Prince. The Prince emerges victorious and gives the Dagger of Time back to Farah. As he leaves, Farah asks what his name is. He responds by saying, "kakolookiyam", to prove that his story was true. Tomb Door Puzzle: ----------------- Close to the end of the game, there is a door puzzle required to solve, the following steps will help: -=1st level=- 1.Face the door with a "face" on it, then count clockwise, the fourth door from the entrance. 2.count clockwise, the 7th door from the entrance 3.count clockwise 3rd door from the entrance. -=2nd level=- 1.Count clockwise, 4th door from the entrance. 2.Count clockwise, 9th door from the entrance. 3.Count clockwise, 5th door from the entrance. Drawbridge Shortcut: -------------------- You can skip past the fight on the drawbridge. Before you lower the drawbridge, climb the same ladder that Farrah does and return to the mess hall. Recharge your health and use the save point again. Now, run with your weapons sheathed until you reach the next door. As long as you aren't armed, you will be able to bypass the soldiers without taking damage in a confrontation. Once Farrah also reaches the room with you, pull the lever and continue working your way through the game as normal.